Types of female sterilization procedures - SterilizationAunty
By definition, all female sterilization procedures are permanent. All surgeries can be achieved laparoscopically (minimally invasive surgery) or by laparotomy (open surgery). Very rarely, a female sterilization surgery can be performed through the vaginal opening.
What Is Female Sterilization and How Does It Work? - Healthline
2018年9月27日 · Female sterilization is a permanent procedure to prevent pregnancy. It works by blocking the fallopian tubes. When women choose not to have children, sterilization can be a good option. It’s a...
Female Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation: Choose the Right Path
2024年6月22日 · The female counterpart of a vasectomy is called "tubal ligation." This surgical procedure involves blocking, sealing, or cutting the fallopian tubes to prevent eggs from reaching the uterus, achieving permanent contraception for women.
What is a female vasectomy called? - Short-Fact
2019年10月17日 · What is a female vasectomy called? Sterilization procedures for women are called tubal ligation. The procedure for men is called vasectomy. How does tubal ligation work to prevent pregnancy? Tubal ligation closes off the fallopian tubes. What happens when a woman has a vasectomy?
Sterilization for Women and Men - ACOG
Sterilization procedures for women are called tubal sterilization or female sterilization. The procedure for men is called vasectomy. Sterilization is considered a safe procedure with few complications.
Permanent Birth Control: Essure, Tubal Ligation and Vasectomy - WebMD
2024年5月22日 · For women, a tubal ligation is performed; for men, a vasectomy is performed. What Is Tubal Ligation? Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure used as birth control for women. During this...
Permanent Contraception - Women's Health Issues - The Merck …
Vasectomy is a short procedure for men, done in the doctor’s office. The procedure for women (often called tubal sterilization) is more complicated and may be done using a thin tube inserted through a small incision in the abdomen or done through a larger incision in the abdomen.
Sterilization for Women and Men | Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
Sterilization is a permanent method of birth control. This includes the removal of the fallopian tubes in women (tubal ligation) and the interruption of the vas deferens in men (vasectomy).
Your Options for Permanent Birth Control - HealthyWomen
2011年8月17日 · In general, minilaparotomy is a good choice for women who undergo sterilization right after childbirth. Patients usually need a few days to recover and can resume intercourse after consulting with their doctors. Male sterilization is called a vasectomy. This procedure is performed in the doctor's office.
Sterilization for Women and Men | Our Bodies Ourselves Today
Sterilization procedures for women are called tubal sterilization or female sterilization. The procedure for men is called vasectomy. Sterilization is considered a safe procedure with few complications.