VASGX .. to stay or go.. - Bogleheads.org
2017年3月2日 · VASGX is my only holding in my tax deferred accounts. Although I could easily meet the criteria for the Admiral shares of the underlying funds, or buy the ETF equivalents, I feel like the nature of the LifeStrategy funds is both more convenient and helps to eliminate any potential behavioral "tweaking" at the margin.
How is VSMGX performance so close to VASGX - Bogleheads.org
2021年2月21日 · VASGX (80-20 Life Strategy) - Final Balance - $32,284. Inflation Adjusted - $20,771. For an additional 20% risk with stocks, VASGX doesn't seem to really produce corresponding returns. What am I missing here. Isn't it better to go with VSMGX than VASGX for a more conservative portfolio with almost similar returns.
Vanguard LifeStrategy Growth Fund (VASGX) - Bogleheads.org
2019年4月1日 · We prefer VASGX fixed allocation (80% stock, 20% bond) rather than a Target Date gliding allocation because we prefer simply to open and add to the Total Bond Market Index Fund as we age and want to reduce equity exposure.
Keep VASGX or exchange for VFIAX, VTSAX or equivalent?
2022年1月17日 · VFIAX shares were purchased prior to 2020. Anticipating tax loss harvesting. If I'm selling off my VASGX, I shouldn't use the money to buy more VFIAX. Since if I purchased additional VFIAX using money from selling VASGX, if the market goes down later, and I sell VFIAX, would it do like a first in first out type of sale.
Vanguard Life Strategy Growth (VASGX) vs Vanguard Total World …
2020年8月8日 · Re: Vanguard Life Strategy Growth (VASGX) vs Vanguard Total World Index (VTWAX/VT) Post by Northern Flicker » Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:00 am Even a 5% allocation to bonds reduces risk more than it reduces return, enough to have …
comparable ETF version of Vanguard Lifestrategy Growth fund …
2020年7月30日 · Probably not. Almost certainly not one following the four-fund allocation Vanguard uses in these funds (Total Stock, Total International Stock, Total Bond, Total International Bond) as Vanguard is currently the only firm I know that both offers a low-cost dollar-hedged international bond fund, recommends it, and uses it in its all-in-one funds.
Lifestrategy Growth in Taxable Brokerage - Bogleheads.org
zen_invest wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:11 am I opened a LifeStrategy Growth Fund (VASGX) [80/20] in a taxable account last Fall and funded it with a lumpsum and have been adding to it monthly to DCA. I may want to move to a Lifestrategy Moderate Growth (or other, less risky or more tax efficient funds) in the distant future.
VASGX - What to do? [VG LifeStrategy Growth] - Bogleheads.org
2018年10月29日 · Hoping you all can help me as this is my first post here. Last year, I invested $5500 into a Roth IRA - VASGX. This year I contributed $2000.00. Since this time, VASGX has continuously declined. My 7500 dollars has lost a little over $400.00 and it has not even been one year. As this is my first investment, should I be concerned?
LifeStrategy Equivalents at Fidelity or Schwab? - Bogleheads.org
2021年8月28日 · JoMoney wrote: Sun Aug 29, 2021 12:05 pm FFNOX has "Stayed The Course" better than Vanguard who started tweaking there funds increasing International allocations, adding International bonds, etc...
Vanguard LifeStrategy funds - Bogleheads
2024年8月12日 · VASGX: link: link: Fund allocations. On February 26, 2015, Vanguard announced an increase in the funds ...