VBN Spa design, production and processing of extruded plastic …
Since 1957, we have specialised in the design, production and processing of plastics through innovative extrusion and co-extrusion processes. We are partner with the most prestigious …
VBN Spa progettazione produzione lavorazione materie plastiche …
Dal 1957 siamo specializzati nella progettazione, produzione e lavorazione di materie plastiche tramite processi innovativi di estrusione e coestrusione. Siamo partner delle più prestigiose …
VBN SpA design, processing and extrusion of plastic materials
We stand at the top of the most prestigious Italian and international companies specialising in the coextrusion of plastic profiles. The great know-how, knowledge of materials and quality of products are oriented to the continuous improvement of production processes and the development of new tailor-made projects. Our company is characterised by:
VBN SPA - Facebook
VBN SPA, San Biagio di Callalta, Treviso. 370 likes. VBN SPA estrude e coestrude profili e tubi in materiali plastici applicati a svariati settori di mer
V.B.N. SPA in San Biagio Di Callalta, Structural shapes ... - europages
The application sectors include industrial refrigeration, furniture, fixtures, construction, agriculture, electrical engineering, sports, and leisure. Also, visit our Facebook page 'VBN spa'.
Plastics manufacturing in Italy - findingmfg.com
VBN SpA. 0 / 5.0. Certifications. ISO9001. About Company. Our 65 years of experience help us when extruding plastic materials and plastic material profiles. We have been able to expand our horizons and provide solutions for every application in the many market sectors thanks to professionalism and skill.
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VBN S.P.A., Partita IVA: 03404720264, Fatturato, Dipendenti, PEC
Ottieni Report Gratuito su VBN S.P.A. (03404720264) con Sede, Fatturato, Utile, Dipendenti, PEC e ATECO
VBN SpA - YouTube
VBN SPA estrude e coestrude profili e tubi in materiali plastici applicati a svariati settori di mercato fornendo al cliente una rapida soluzione.
VBN plastic processing company extrusion coextrusion of plastic - VBN SpA
We provide a complete service to manufacture finished products by extrusion and co-extrusion of plastics.