How to Mapping Load with KONV, VBRP, VBRK - Qlik Community
2017年9月26日 · Hi All, how to mapping load between KONV, VBRP, VBRK with different type of condition in KONV to display in a straight table. - 1414193
SAP Join Syntax - Qlik Community - 426942
2013年5月6日 · LOAD VBRK~VBELN, VBRP~WERKS; Sql Select VBRK~VBELN VBRP~WERKS. FROM VBRK. JOIN VBRP ON VBRK~VBELN = VBRP~VBELN. WHERE VBRK~FKDAT = '2012-04-01'; If I remove the Load statement it works fine. What am I missing here? How can we use the Preceding Load or is it that Preceding Loads are not possible in a join scenario when using SAP Connector.
store fields to qvd from different tables - Qlik Community
2015年2月18日 · Solved: Hi, I have loaded the qvw in binary load. Now i need to store some fields from that file. But the tables are different. eg.
Messing around with SAP table KONP - Qlik Community - 1077795
2016年2月9日 · Tables VBRK, VBRP, A305 and KONP. For every Customer-Material combination there can be one or more Sales Prices (identified by the fields dateFrom and dateTo). So I created a Key %Customer_Material_Key to link sales table and conditions table.
How to check a invoice is paid or not paid in qlikview - Qlik …
2020年12月18日 · and invoice to customer stored in vbrk table. now our requirement is there any way to find the invoices which are not paid. for exemple . now first 3rs 1pen is sold to customer and invoice generated. then first 5rs 1pen is sold to customer and invoice generated. then first 8rs 1pen is sold to customer and invoice generated
need to left join sql table in qlikview - Qlik Community - 774442
2014年12月22日 · I have fetched data from VBRK table for 1 year on fkdat field. now I need to fetch data from VBRP table on VBELN field using VBRK tables FKDAT. so I need to do left join on the basis of VBELN FEILD BETWEEN BOTH TABLE(VBRK and VBRP). NEED HELP IN PERFORMING LEFT JOIN IN SQL ON QLIKVIEW SCRIPT BETWEEN VBRK AND VBRP TABLE. THANKS
Solved: How to load fields with same name from tables in j... - Qlik ...
2018年5月16日 · SELECT VBRK~NETWR VBRP~NETWR FROM VBRK . JOIN VBRP ON VBRK~VBELN = VBRP~VBELN; This JOIN should return two fields named NETWR and NETWR01 to Qlik. It is then possible to rename the fields in a LOAD statement. The Qlik SAP connectivity team is now working to fix the bug. I will write a message here when there is a patch available via Qlik ...
Incremental on SAP KONV Table - Qlik Community - 1052146
2016年4月5日 · JOIN vbrk v On v.knumv=k.knumv WHERE v.erzet > @fetcheddatevalue. 5,136 Views 0 Likes Reply. neha_shirsath.
selection screen - SAP Community
how do i get the And vbrk condition correctly. SELECT * FROM vbrk. INNER JOIN vbrp ON vbrk vbeln = vbrp vbeln. INNER JOIN kna1 ON vbrk kunag = kna1 kunnr. INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE itab. WHERE vbrk~vbeln IN p_vbeln. AND vbrk~kunag IN p_kunag. AND vbrp~matnr IN p_matnr. AND vbrp~augru_auft IN p_augru. AND vbrk~fkdat IN r_fkdat
SAP Tables: VBAK / VBAP / VBPA - Qlik Community - 147657
2009年6月24日 · Having some problems trying to get the correct partners from VBPA associated with a sales order from tables VBAK/VBAP. When you maintain your partners at the header level of a sales order in SAP the entries in the partner table do not corrspond with the line items on the sales order. Example: Sales ...