Visit, board, search, and seizure - Wikipedia
Visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS) [1] is the term used by United States military and law enforcement agencies for maritime boarding actions and tactics. VBSS teams are designed to capture enemy vessels, combat terrorism, piracy, and smuggling, and to conduct customs, safety and other inspections.
VBSS如何接近目标 - 知乎专栏
VBSS,英文全称:Visit Board Search and Seizure 这是海上特有的一种作战样式,主要用于海上反劫持、查截船只、海上石油平台的作战行动等。 通常来说,VBSS包括接近目标、登临、搜索清理和撤离几个步骤,由于海上…
VBSS: A Navy SEAL explains how to board enemy ships
2024年5月23日 · VBSS stands for Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure. It refers to the act of approaching and boarding a maritime vessel for the purpose of searching it, and then possibly seizing contraband, or prosecuting some other specified target on the vessel in question.
【学习笔记】VBSS - 哔哩哔哩
VBSS即Visit(访问),board(登船),search(搜索),seizure(扣押)。 VBSS是一种特种作战战术,旨在通过登船行动,对可疑或敌对船只进行搜索、控制和扣押。 任务目标: 1.船只搜查:对涉嫌从事非法活动的船只进行全面搜查,搜查非法货物、武器或其他违禁物品。 2.人员搜查:检查船员或乘客以确认身份和搜集情报,寻找潜在威胁。 3.情报收集:在目标船只上搜集有价值的情报、文档、电子设备等。 4.扣押与控制:控制涉嫌从事非法活动或其他敌对行为的人员或 …
VBSS in the Navy: Boarding Enemy Ships - USAMM
2024年1月20日 · In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into VBSS Navy operations to understand their role in protecting our naval assets and maintaining peace on international waters. VBSS, short for Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure, is an important part …
DVIDS - Video - Naval Special Warfare VBSS Capabilities
2020年6月1日 · VBSS is a significant component of the U.S. Navy’s larger Maritime Strategy. This work, Naval Special Warfare VBSS Capabilities, by PO2 Matthew Young, identified by DVIDS, must comply with the...
Navy SEALs describe how boarding a ship is a team’s ‘sketchiest ...
2024年1月16日 · The high-risk tactic, known as Visit, Board, Search and Seizure, or VBSS, puts SEALS in a uniquely dangerous, exhausting and miserable spot, the veteran SEAL told Task & Purpose.
10th SFG (A) combat dive team requalifies on dive skills
A Green Beret assigned to 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) and Swedish Amphibious Raiders conduct a visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) operation aboard the HOS Dominator at Naval Base...
VBSS and Dive Training can be done at the Battleship Missouri during the day or at night. We cannot confirm or book dives over the phone. We process requests for ceremonies by the order in which the Military Request Form is returned.
这套飞行装置由英国航空初创公司 公司生产,背部的喷气背包提供动力来源,左右手的喷气引擎则负责调整飞行方向。 2019年,英国航空初创公司创始人 Richard Browning穿上这套飞行装备达到了137公里的时速,创下了全新的吉尼斯世界记录。 如此先进的喷气飞行包整套售价34万英镑,折合人民币305.5万。 俗话说好货不便宜,没有卖错只有买错,面对如此高昂的售价,即使国富力强的英国也未免感觉心在滴血,目前正在斟酌是否大量购买进行单兵配备。 飞行背包并非英国 …