Getting Started - VCF
The signing of the VCF Permanent Authorization Act in 2019 appropriates such funds as may be necessary to pay all approved claims and extends the VCF’s claim filing deadline to October 1, 2090. However, you must register within two years of receiving your certification from the WTC Health Program.Please note, you are not required to have an attorney file your VCF claim.
PROD Maintenance Mode - VCF Claimant Portal
Sorry for the inconvenience but we’re performing some maintenance at the moment. We’ll be back online shortly! — The VCF Team
September 11th Victim Compensation Fund VCF.gov
Serving the 9/11 Community for Decades to Come. Who We Are. The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) is a federally funded program that was established to compensate for physical harm or death caused by the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, or the debris removal efforts in the immediate aftermath.
How to Log into an Existing Account - VCF
2020年10月1日 · The steps below will show you how to access an existing online account. For instructions on how to create an account, see “How to Create an Account.” To access your online account, click on “Login” under the Search bar at the top right side of the VCF website:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - VCF
The Frequently Asked Questions provide additional information about various aspects of the VCF. Click on each question to see the answer. All FAQs are translated and available in Spanish, Polish, and Chinese.
VCF Overview | VCF
A presentation for individuals who are filing a claim with the VCF, or those who are interested in how the VCF operates. Change Log: March 7, 2024: added Shanksville, PA, and Pentagon site dates. September 18, 2023: updated timing for payment processing. June 28, 2023: updated text with more information regarding debris removal eligibility.
VCF Transformation | VCF
The VCF is transforming! The VCF Transformation is focused on three key outcomes:Improve the claimant experienceReduce the time to issue awards to claimantsEnsure the VCF is well positioned to accept claims through 2090The Transformation will include a more straightforward claims process, enhanced automation, and a new, modern claims system, called myVCF.
Forms and Resources - VCF
Topic Topic links to VCF policy. Resources Forms Claim Submission Document Checklist - Personal Injury - use this checklist if you are filing a claim for yourself, or filing for a deceased individual whose death is not believed to be related to a 9/11-related physical condition.; Signature Page; Exhibit A / Exhibit A Deceased Individual - Authorization for release of …
Claims Management System - VCF
The best way to submit your claim to the VCF is through the online claims system. You can use this system to: Create an account and register with the VCF to preserve your right to file a claim in the future.
How to Create an Account - VCF
Click on the link on the confirmation page. Now that you have successfully created your online account, you can access it at any time in the future using the username and password you just created.