Tanque Argentino Mediano - Wikipedia
The original program called for the design of an infantry fighting vehicle, and in 1977 the program finished manufacturing the prototype of the Vehículo de Combate Transporte de Personal (Personnel Transport Combat Vehicle), or VCTP. [3] The VCTP is able to transport a squad of 12 men, including the squad leader and nine riflemen.
Argentinian VCTP, Infantry Fighting Vehicle - tank-afv.com
The Argentinian IFV VCTP stands for "Vehículo de Combate Transporte de Personal". Also called TAM VCTP, it is the modern Infantry Fighting Vehicle of the Argentinian Army. It shares most of its components with the TAM tank, but more VCTPs were produced than TAMs. Both vehicles were built by the state-owned Tanque Argentino Mediano Sociedad del ...
Vehículo de Combate de Transporte de Personal (VCTP)
2020年8月29日 · As stated previously, externally, in appearance and design, the VCTP is very similar to the Marder IFV. The frontal plate is at a pronounced 75º angle and the sides and rear plates are positioned at 32º. At the front of the tank, on each side, are headlights. Behind these, also on each side, are wing mirrors.
VCTP - Army Guide
The basic VCTP IFV is essentially similar in layout to the German Marder but simplified and modified to meet Argentinean Army requirements and has a more powerful 720 hp MTU diesel power pack. The main armament is carried in a two-man power-operated turret armed with a 20-mm Oerlikon cannon and an externally mounted 7.62-mm MG for air and local ...
小国装备志——阿根廷VCTP步兵战车 - 百家号
2024年8月10日 · VCTP系列的主要武器是安装在可360度旋转炮塔上的20mm Rheinmetall Rh-202。顶上有一门可选的7.62毫米FN MAG 60-20系列通用机枪,用于反步兵和防空。VCTP主炮最多可携带880 x 20毫米弹和1500多发7.62毫米弹药(根据需要)。
El VCTP transporta proyectiles de hasta 880 x 20 mm para su arma principal y más de 1,500 cartuchos de municiones de 7,62 mm (según sea necesario). El vehículo también puede proporcionar su propia cortina de humo a través de 8 granadas de humo descargadas electrónicamente instaladas en dos bancos de cuatro lanzadores a cada lado del casco.
Argentinian TAMSE VCTP Argentin Description identification …
Le véhicule de base VCTP IFV est très similaire au véhicule de combat d'infanterie allemand Marder 1, mis à part des modifications locales, comme le remplacement du moteur , par un moteur Diesel plus puissant de 720 ch. L'armement principal est constitué par un canon de 20 mm et une mitrailleuse de défense antiaérienne de 7,62 mm ...
小国装备志——阿根廷VCLC自行火箭炮 - 百家号
VCLC保留了与原始VCTP IFV相同的车体形状和功能,其中包括德国原产的MTU MB 833 Ka-500系列6缸柴油发动机,功率为720马力,以及六个双轮胎车轮的传动装置。 驱动链轮位于前部,履带齿轮位于后部,使用了三个履带回位滚柱。 发动机位于车体的右前方,驾驶员位于左前方。 其余乘员由车辆指挥官和两名技术人员组成。 钢板具有良好的倾斜度,以提供固有的弹道保护,而侧面的设计仅略微倾斜。 装甲采用镍铬钼钢,车体正面厚50毫米,侧后厚35毫米,可以抵挡 …
TAMSE VCTP (Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Personal)
2019年3月7日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the TAMSE VCTP (Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Personal) Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) including pictures.
VCTP Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Personal - GlobalSecurity.org
2015年7月1日 · The basic vehicle VCTP IFV is very similar to the vehicle of German Marder 1, apart from the local modifications, such as the replacement of the engine by a more powerful diesel engine of 720 HP....