VCX-100 light freighter | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The VCX-100 light freighter was one of the Corellian Engineering Corporation's freighter designs. A notable example of this model was the Ghost, a modified VCX-100 owned by Hera Syndulla. The VCX-100 was outfitted with sleeping quarters, a galley, and a …
Ghost | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Ghost was a modified VCX-100 light freighter owned by the Twi'lek Hera Syndulla that was used by the Spectres rebel cell during the Age of the Empire. As part of the rebellion, the Ghost saw actions on numerous missions and skirmishes against the forces of the Galactic Empire .
Ghost - Star Wars Rebels Wiki
The Ghost was a modified VCX-100 light freighter, originally manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. The main cockpit was located at the front-end of the ship. Directly beneath it was the nose turret gunner station, which had …
【星战科普】幽灵号:技术篇 - 哔哩哔哩
幽灵号是一艘改装过的VCX-100轻型货船,归提列克人赫拉·辛杜拉(Hera Syndulla)所有,在帝国时代被义军使用。作为义军的一部分,幽灵号见证了许多行动和对抗银河帝国军队的冲突。
幽灵号(Ghost)是美国科幻动画片《星球大战:义军崛起》中虚构的太空飞船。 该船系经过特殊改装的科瑞利亚VCX-100型轻型运输船,由其船长——提列克籍赫拉·辛杜拉所有。
幽灵号 | 星球大戰百科全書 | Fandom
幽灵号 (英文: Ghost)是一艘经过改装的 VCX-100轻型运输船,由 赫拉·辛杜拉 所有。 幽灵号的船艉上方有一处停泊点,用于安放 VCX系列辅助星际战斗机幻影号。 这艘小型飞船可以执行多种任务,既可以用作穿梭机,也可以作为星际战斗机使用,当幻影号停泊于幽灵号上时,它的主武器还能充当幽灵号的艉炮。 后来,幻影号在作战中不幸损失,幽灵小队用一架鞘足虫级穿梭机 幻影II号 取代了它。 社区内容除另有注明外,均在 CC-BY-SA 许可协议下提供。 幽灵号(英 …
The Ghost | Databank - StarWars.com
Named for its ability to travel past Imperial sensors without detection, the Ghost has served Captain and pilot Hera Syndulla and her droid, Chopper, for more than a decade. A customized VCX-100 light freighter, the Ghost boasts a number of systems designed to elude foes, including a 360-degree dorsal laser cannon turret, two forward laser ...
Star Wars: The Ship That Replaced The Millennium Falcon - The Ghost ...
2021年12月26日 · Star Wars’ The Ghost – Overview. The Ghost was a modified VCX-100 light freighter, owned by the Twi’lek Hera Syndulla. During the Age of the Empire, the Ghost was integral to the rebellion. Home to the group known as the Spectres, the Ghost flew numerous missions and skirmishes against the forces of the Galactic Empire.
The Ghost: VCX-100 class Light Freighter - YouTube
2024年9月28日 · In this video, we honor the 10th anniversary of Star Wars Rebels by taking a look at its hero ship, the Ghost. ...more. Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: K.O. | Lupus Nocte Micro-aTAC | Lupus...
Ghost (Star Wars) | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
The Ghost is a heavily modified VCX-100 light freighter owned by the Twi’lek rebel Hera Syndulla and used throughout the reign of the Galactic Empire by the Spectre team on all sorts of missions ranging from simple supply runs to rescue to even raids on important imperial installations.