Syphilis Tests & Diagnosis: VDRL, RPR, EIA, TPPA, & More - WebMD
2023年5月28日 · Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). You can get it from having sex with someone who has it. It’s easily treated with antibiotics but can lead to serious problems if …
Interpretation of Syphilis Serology - This Changed My Practice
Non-treponemal tests, like RPR and VDRL, detect antibodies to cellular components released during tissue damage caused by syphilis. As a result, they are less specific, and can be …
4) If the EIA is positive, why do I need an RPR (or VDRL)? The RPR or VDRL provides a quantitative result (known as a “titer”) that is helpful for staging disease and also for …
Syphilis - STI Treatment Guidelines - Centers for Disease Control …
2024年9月9日 · A presumptive diagnosis of syphilis requires use of two laboratory serologic tests: a nontreponemal test (i.e., Venereal Disease Research Laboratory [VDRL] or rapid plasma …
For asymptomatic patients with discordant serology (EIA/CIA-positive, RPR/VDRL- negative) who are treated for syphilis, consider repeating serologic screening in 12 months or sooner if …
Penicillin G, administered parenterally, is the preferred drug for treating patients in all stages of syphilis. If at risk of infection, repeat RPR in several weeks. If epidemiologic risk and clinical …
Table 3, Sensitivity and Specificity of Commonly Used Syphilis …
Abbreviations: CIA=chemiluminescence immunoassay; EIA=enzyme immunoassay; FTA-ABS=fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption; IgG=immunoglobulin G; MFI=multiplex flow …
Evaluation of an IgM/IgG sensitive enzyme immunoassay and the …
An IgM/IgG sensitive EIA would be an effective alternative to VDRL for syphilis screening. Using the EIA index values may provide additional, helpful information to the diagnostic process.
Clarify discordant EIA/CIA and RPR/VDRL results with second treponemal test. If syphilis unlikely, no further action needed. If immunoassay nonreactive but high clinical suspicion (such as a …
Syphilis serology - RCPA
Many laboratories now use EIA for either non-specific or specific antibodies, as screening and as an alternative to the traditional tests. RPR, VDRL are non-specific cardiolipin antibody tests. …