A binary adenoviral vector system for expressing high levels of …
2000年1月17日 · Here we report a system that induces the expression of the bax gene safely by adenovirus-mediated gene cotransfer. Briefly, the system involves an adenoviral vector containing a human bax...
Prostate-specific expression of Bax delivered by an adenoviral vector …
2001年9月18日 · A second-generation adenoviral vector was constructed with the modified prostate-specific probasin promoter, ARR2PB, directing expression of an HA-tagged Bax gene and a green fluorescent...
Here we report a system that induces the expression of the bax gene safely by adenovirus-mediated gene cotransfer. Briefly, the system involves an adenoviral vector containing a human bax...
Objective To clone early growth response-1 (EGR1) gene and BCL2-associated X protein (Bax) gene, construct their co-expression vector pGL3/EGR1-Bax, and transfect it into cells of...
The pro-apoptotic BAX protein influences cell growth and ...
Our study showed for the first time that BAX was associated with chromatin in vitro. Next, we used gain and loss of function approaches to decipher the potential role of nuclear BAX in non-apoptotic cells. In vitro, nuclear BAX promoted cell proliferation in lung epithelial cells and primary human lung fibroblasts by modulating CDKN1A expression.
Bax to the future – A novel, high-yielding approach for purification ...
2019年6月1日 · Bax is able to interact with the MOM with both its termini, making it inherently difficult to express in E. coli. In this study, we present a novel approach to express and purify full-length Bax with significantly increased yields, when compared to the commonly applied strategy.
Our results indicate that a bax recombinant ad-enoviral vector causes cell death mediated via an apoptotic path-way in multiple cervical cancer cell lines and primary cervical cancer cells. These data suggest that bax may be a candidate for human gene therapy in the setting of cervical carcinoma. 2001.
Expression of a Highly Toxic Protein, Bax, in Escherichia coli by ...
Attempts to express a truncated form of murine Bax in the periplasm by using an expression vector that attached the OmpA signal sequence to the protein failed to alleviate this toxicity. In contrast, attachment of a peptide based on a portion of the E. coli cochaperone GroES reduced Bax’s toxicity significantly and allowed good expression.
Proapoptotic BAX and BAK: A Requisite Gateway to ... - Science
2001年4月27日 · Here we assess whether BAK is required for tBID-induced apoptosis of intact, whole cells by using a retroviral vector to express tBID in murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs).
Development of an In Vitro Biopotency Assay for an AAV8 …
2020年6月12日 · Here we describe the development of a highly sensitive in vitro biopotency assay for BAX 335, an AAV8-based hemophilia B gene therapy vector expressing FIX Padua that was explored in a clinical phase I/II study (ClinicalTrials.org: NCT01687608). The assay underwent several optimization steps and was evaluated for its linearity, reproducibility ...