Vedal - Virtual YouTuber Wiki | Fandom
Vedal is an independent British VTuber, widely known as the creator of AI VTubers Neuro-sama and Evil Neuro. In March 2023, he began appearing on streams with Neuro in the form of a green turtle. He shares a channel with Neuro-sama and Evil Neuro and often sits on their heads while coding or presenting updates to their code.
彭博社对Vedal的采访记录 - 百度贴吧
她的创作者Vedal采用了一种大型语言模型,对观众们的问题与文字做出回应后,文本转语音程序将其转换为可爱的声音。 她的形象是由Unity 游戏引擎所制作的。 Vedal拒绝回答有关他的年龄和位置的问题,但表示Neuro-sama是他的全职工作。 当人们访问 Amazon的直播平台Twitch时,通常是观看名人游戏玩家与观众一起玩最新的热门游戏或插科打诨。 在过去的几个月里,Neuro-sama不知何故闯入了主播的顶级行列。 每天都有将近5700名观众收看她的直播。 本周早些 …
Vedal - Neuro Sama Wiki | Fandom
Vedal is the creator of all AIs in the Neuroverse—Both named and unnamed AI were programmed and trained by him. He develops and maintains Neuro, and sometimes joins her on streams in the form of a small cartoon turtle as his VTuber avatar. Not much is known about him, due to his desire to remain anonymous and let Neuro take the spotlight.
Vedal Reveals his IRL Face?! - YouTube
Vedal: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987#Vtuber #Vedal #Neurosama
Watch all of vedal987's best archives, VODs, and highlights on Twitch. Find their latest IRL streams and much more right here.
【烤肉】真人出镜!Vedal亲自下厨听Neuro的指挥 ft.filian_菲莲_哔 …
Vedal终于现身了 素材来自 7/26/2024 IRL Cooking Stream 直播Twitch地址: www.twitch.tv/vedal987 Youtube: www.youtube.com/@Neurosama 官方交流群: …
【Neuro-sama】被ban期间制作人vedal的访谈:目前无收入,新 …
没找到完整版先翻这个吧,原地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Yy-9Of46w4A介绍:Neuro-sam是最近在国外直播平台Twitch上的一位Vtuber,和其他披着二次 …
Vedal不出意外输掉了比赛,并X上发布了经典名言:“我是个femboy,我要毕业了”。 2023年4月9日,Twitch虚拟主播Camila把她直播间的密码交给Vedal,Vedal用代码制作了一个AI Camila。 关于Vedal的一些..(资料来源于Virtual YouTuber Wiki)形象一直拟人化的Live2D乌龟个性Vedal有时候会比较犹豫,这主要表现在制定日程表的时候,甚至要问Neuro她想要做什么。 这可能是因为他 …
【Neuro-sama】“成为Vedal这样的亿万富翁的五步秘诀是什么”_哔 …
Vedal - vTubie
Vedal is the self-taught programmer of AI VTuber Neuro-sama. In March 2023, he began appearing on stream with Neuro in the form of a green turtle, making him a VTuber in his own right....