Vega flight VV16 - Wikipedia
Vega flight VV16, also called SSMS PoC Flight (for Small Spacecraft Mission Service Proof of Concept Flight), was the 16th launch of the Vega rocket. [2][3] The launch was also notable as …
Vega | SSMS PoC - Space Launch Now
2020年9月3日 · The Vega POC (Proof Of Concept) flight will be the first mission of the SSMS (Small Spacecraft Mission Service), a modular carbon fiber dispenser, a program initiated by …
The present User’s Manual is an add-on to the Vega-C User’s Manual and provides an overview of the Small Spacecraft Mission Service on Vega-C launch system operated by Arianespace at …
Vega C, the new lightweight, high-performance launcher - Arianespace
The SSMS (Small Spacecraft Mission Service) is a modular adapter that allows Vega C to offer hosting solutions to carry small satellites ranging from mini satellites to cubesats. This …
VV16: The First VEGA Rideshare Mission Flight
2020年7月28日 · The SSMS (Small Spacecraft Mission Service) program is a new multi-launch concept for the Vega and Vega C launchers, thanks to a new modular dispenser for the Small …
数十颗卫星加入了VEGA运载火箭“共享发射”计划 - 网易
2019年6月7日 · ega运载火箭SSMS分配器的首次“概念验证”飞行将于今年9月进行,机上共有41颗独立卫星:7颗小型卫星和35颗立方体卫星。 其中包括三颗ESA的立方体卫星,分别是:研究 …
ESA - SSMS inaugural flight on Vega - European Space Agency
2020年6月12日 · Multiple small satellites will be launched at once on the Vega VV16 mission from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. This flight will demonstrate the modular SSMS …
VEGA SSMS (Small Spacecraft Mission Service) is the first European ride-share mission carried out on the 18th of June 2020. The SSMS PoC (Proof-of-Concept) Flight is able to aggregate in …
Vega | SSMS n°1 PoC - nextspaceflight.com
2020年9月3日 · Flight VV16, return to flight for Vega after its failure. The first flight of the new SSMS structure. Two Spire satellites were lost during their separation. The cause of the failure …
The First Vega Ride-Share Mission Flight
2019年7月16日 · The VEGA PoC (Proof of Concept) flight using the SSMS (Small Satellite Mission Service) hardware was conceived in the context of ESA LLL Initiative. This paper …