VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution | DePuy Synthes
The VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution is designed to enhance surgical precision by integrating CT-free technology to optimize implant placement. This system equips surgeons with the information needed to preserve the soft tissue envelope, predict joint stability, and work towards returning knee function. 1.
VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution for Knee Replacement | DePuy …
Designed for digital precision in knee replacement surgery, the VELYS™ Robotic Assisted Solution can help you start moving again.
VELYS Digital Surgery - Patient Information | DePuy Synthes
VELYS™ Digital Surgery for orthopaedics offers a set of advanced technology solutions designed to enable a personalized care experience—before, during, and after your surgery. Advances in technology are transforming orthopaedic surgery– both in …
VELYS™ 机器人辅助解决方案用于个性化全膝关节置换 | Bangkok …
velys™ 机器人辅助解决方案( vras )是第四代机器人辅助设备,采用尖端技术,帮助骨科医生在进行全膝关节置换手术时提高精确度和准确性,并根据每位患者的特定解剖结构进行个性化定制。手术过程中,机器人完全由医生控制,帮助提供实时的手术洞察 ...
2021年3月4日 · 年初医疗机器人领域的头号新闻当属强生推出了新一代骨科手术机器人VELYS。2021年1月19日,强生旗下DePuy Synthes公司宣布,其机器人辅助骨科手术平台产品VELYS已获得美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)510(K)许可,批准用于全膝关节置换手术。
VELYS Robotic Assisted Solution | Johnson & Johnson Institute
The VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution. An imageless, bed mounted robotic-solution for total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Our educational content for the VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution is digitally focused with short videos, live surgical videos from our KOLs and a PROADJUST™ Software Simulator.
王者回归?强生骨科机器人VELYS™上市!_DePuy - 搜狐
2021年1月22日 · VELYS™可以帮助外科医生在全膝关节置换术中准确切除骨骼,使植入物相对于软组织对齐和定位,而不需要术前成像。 让外科医生无需使用一次性器械,大幅度降低手术成本。 VELYS™不仅是机器人系统,集成智能平台和ATTUNE Total Knee System,VELYS™能够形成一整套解决方案,系统辅助医生评估膝关节的骨解剖和软组织包膜,协助规划最佳的假体植入位置,平衡间隙数据有助于骨科医生可视化和预测关节稳定性,机器人系统则辅助医生来执行手术 …
强生DePuy Synthes获得510 (k) FDA对VELYS™机器人辅助解决方案 …
2024年6月7日 · Key features of the VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution for UKA include: - The single PROADJUST™ PLANNING SCREEN enables personalized planning to help ensure precise implant placement, alignment, and balance relative to soft tissue. - An ACCUBALANCETM GRAPH for personalized balancing throughout the full range of motion.
DePuy Synthes Launches its First Active Spine Robotics and …
2024年8月2日 · This new spine technology was designed to help surgeons tackle their most complex challenges. The VELYS™ SPINE system is dual use, meaning it features both a standalone navigation and an active robotics platform that can enable surgeon flexibility in their approach and plans.
DePuy Synthes Receives 510 (k) FDA Clearance for VELYS™ …
2021年1月19日 · The VELYS™ Robotic-Assisted Solution is adaptable technology that helps simplify surgeons’ existing workflow, and is designed around how surgeons plan, execute and perform surgery for total knee replacement