Verbo Software - Adapt4you
Verbo is an augmentative and alternative communication software and is also a playful didactic software that allows you to create/use activities for EVERYONE! Why Verbo? The Verbo …
Verbo | GPII Unified Listing
Verbo is an AAC software that aids people with oral speech difficulties to communicate. It allows users to create communication boards and personalized activities aimed at improving …
Home [verboapp.co.uk]
Created by NHS Speech and language therapists, Verbo provides a toolkit for early years, primary, secondary and post-16 settings. We aim to support education staff and speech and …
Verbo - AAC for everyone - YouTube
Verbo is an application for Windows and Android to create augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) boards and learning resources quickly and intuitively. Combine …
Eneso Verbo
En este tutorial aprenderás a crear tableros de comunicación aumentativa o alternativa (CAA) basados en texto, pictogramas, fotografías o un enfoque mixto, y accesibles mediante ratón, …
AAC shared material resources related to verbos - ARASAAC
AAC material resources related to verbos for professionals and families. Download Augmentative and Alternative Communication documents, boards, worksheets...
Software Partners - EyeTech Digital Systems
Verbo can be added as your AAC application of choice to your EyeOn device – ask us about it today. Voice banking takes sample recordings of your voice and creates a synthesized voice …
Frequently asked questions
What is the evidence base for Verbo? Some of the key principles of Verbo are the importance of upskilling the wider workforce, training the workforce to identify need and provide intervention …
AAC Materials – Lexicon - Aula abierta de ARASAAC
In this section, we are going to collect some examples of activities related to the lexicon, that is, the set of words and expressions that make up our language. A lexical group is a set of words …