Best Verilog IDE? : r/Verilog - Reddit
2021年6月8日 · I don't think there's a best option, but I've used Modelsim as well as Icarus Verilog and Vivado by Xilinx. If you want to go for open source you can go for Icarus Verilog , but in my option I've found Xilinx Verilog IDEs much easier to use , simulate & debug both ISE & Vivado.
What ide for verilog do you think is the most used in industry?
2023年7月13日 · eMacs supports Verilog-mode with lots of options for automatically creating module IO ports, module instantiations, wire declarations, etc. vim can support this in a sub-shell I believe. There is lots of value with these dinosaurs… but after 20+ years of being an eMacs user, I now predominantly use VSCode
IDE / Editor of choice : r/FPGA - Reddit
2021年3月18日 · In big projects a real IDE means you don’t have to waste time searching for files or signal/constant declarations. It also tells you about small syntax errors (e.g. missing or superfluous semicolon, invalid or missing port connection etc.) immediately so you don’t have to waste half an hour on compilation.
Open source FPGA/ASIC IDE: TerosHDL 2.0.0 : r/FPGA - Reddit
2021年9月28日 · Yeah, the 1,000,000+ line of code code bases for digital design definitely do seem rare as many companies and teams split the design(s) into separate IP projects before that point to keep the project complexity smaller but I've seemed to have the luck (or misfortune) of working primarily on large monolithic designs which adds some headache in terms of finding …
Tools for Verilog : r/FPGA - Reddit
2021年7月20日 · Simulation: icarus Verilog, Verilator, modelsim, etc. Personally, I use cocotb + icarus Verilog so I can write the testbench in python. Cocotb also works with verilator without having to write any c++. Synthesis: whatever software supports your FPGA. For Xilinx, use Vivado or ISE, depending on the part.
Good editors for Verilog on Mac/Windows : r/FPGA - Reddit
2018年7月19日 · Sigasi is just about the only IDE for HDL worth talking about. For the rest it’s spacemacs on emacs and neovim or just vim. Emacs has a really good VHDL-mode, but thier column editing isn’t perfect. The verilog mode can align …
What compact free software solutions exist for Verilog/VHDL
The best free software solution for Verilog simulation that I know of is Verilator. Verilator isn't your typical Verilog simulator, so not everyone uses it. I like it because it's easy to integrate my simulation with peripheral co-simulations. Other references suggest Verilator runs up to 10x faster than your commercial simulators.
What IDE do you use for RTL coding ? : r/chipdesign - Reddit
2023年1月18日 · There is a free version available I believe. It has support for other HDLs like verilog or SV and is all in one graphical IDE (The other options must be used with a CLI), however it is clunky and slow
What are good online resources to practice Verilog? : r/FPGA
2021年6月17日 · My Verilog tutorial includes a set of 10 lessons. Each lesson has an exercise at the end. Each lesson has an exercise at the end. After the first two lessons, each exercise includes a formal proof, a simulation, and placing the design into hardware.
Verilog setup for Linux : r/FPGA - Reddit
2021年8月16日 · Hi, I want to learn Verilog and looking for a setup for my Linux machine. I do not have a FPGA board and I use Pop!_OS 21.04. Do you have any IDE/Compiler suggestions? Thanks for any help. Edit: I installed Modelsim and Verilator. I also use VSCode with Verilog extension as a editor. Thanks to anyone that helped me.