Home | FPGA/SoC/Verilog/HLS
This open-source site is designed to support the educational needs of students, engineers, and enthusiasts in the fields of FPGA/ASIC, SoC, and HLS.
This manual typically contains practical/lab sessions related to Verilog HDL and interfacing various hardware devices with CPLD XC9572 which provides a better understanding of the subject. Students are advised to thoroughly go through this manual as it provides them practical insights. Familiarize with the CAD tool to write HDL programs.
1. 再遇 Verilog - Digital Lab 2024
2024年10月2日 · 在 Lab1 中,我们初步学习了 Verilog 硬件描述语言的语法知识。 现在的你应当具有了阅读与编写基本的 Verilog 代码的能力。 你还记得下面这些概念吗? 本小节我们将对 Verilog 语法进行一些补充,帮助大家更好地理解 Verilog 的特性。 我们知道,不同 always 块和 initial 块之间是并行执行的,而同一个模块里的 always 语句和 initial...
实验介绍 - Digital Lab 2024
2024年9月25日 · 目前主流的三大硬件描述语言为:Verilog、VHDL 以及 System Verilog。 其中 Verilog 在电子信息集成化设计领域被广泛使用。 在 Lab1 中,我们将对其语法特点及应用进行初步的介绍。
3. Verilog 编程 - Digital Lab 2024
其中,iverilog(Icarus Verilog)是一个轻量、免费、开源的 Verilog 编译器,将 Verilog 编写的源代码编译为某种目标格式。 而其自带的 GTKWave 可以用于查看标准的 Verilog VCD/EVCD, 以及其他的一些格式的波形文件。
Vedant-02/Verilog-HDL-Lab-Experiments - GitHub
Verilog, standardized as IEEE 1364, is a hardware description language used to model electronic systems. This repository consists of Verilog HDL lab experiments conducted in course EEL2020 Digitial Design at IIT Jodhpur
GitHub - m8pple/elec50010-2021-verilog-lab: Verilog lab for …
Learning Verilog : These labs are intended to get you up to speed on Verilog in specific, and creating synthesisable digital logic in general. The approach taken is more to show you lots of examples of Verilog, rather than to ask you to write Verilog from scratch, and to learn by example and investigation.
Hardware Lab NITC - GitHub Pages
Learn the Basics of Verilog HDL and implement various circuits using Verilog. Design a Verilog-based FSM that enhances your circuits with efficient sequential control and decision-making capabilities. Build an exciting MIPS single cycle processor which will allow you to run MIPS hardware commands. Learn about the registers in MIPS ISA.
VLAB (Verification Laboratory) 是芯华章基于云的在线EDA工具服务平台,它通过远程桌面的方式为您提供芯华章产品开箱即用的体验。VLAB平台下私有部署的Gitlab https://gitlab.x-epic.com (opens new window) 提供丰富Verilog实验课程,可按需进行学习。 # 快速上手
Verilog labs practice (Implement design and TB for both, practice on modelsim or edaplayground.com). For all examples display the values and view the waveforms Mux2x1 using
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