VESC on DIY CNC router | VESC Project
2019年2月4日 · I have been working on a DIY CNC router for awhile and settled on using an SK8 192kV motor to power the spindle. I went this way because most of the chinese spindles operate at 24KRPM and that's way to high for most metal cutting.
Best practice for controlling VESC with high speed PWM
2018年9月25日 · The CNC controller spits out a 25khz PWM signal to control the axes. This is designed to near-directly control the switching FETs driving brushed DC motors. 50% duty = stationary, <50% is one direction, >50% the other.
Torque control with PWM at 10kHz for LinuxCNC - VESC Project
2017年9月5日 · I want to control motor torque with PWM at 10kHz. For example I want at 10% pwm -10A current and at 90% pwm +10A, 50% pwm 0A. VESC has PPM input and I want to know if it is connected to hardware timer that is capable to convert this pwm at 10kHz to some integer +- 1000 so I can run torque control on VESC and position control on PC with linux/mesa.
Makerbase_VESC 常用VESC TOOL配置(二) - CSDN博客
2023年8月30日 · vesc75系列与vesc6、vesc4相比电压、电流都更大,与vesc6一样,都具有三相分流器和可调电流电压滤波器,可以更精确、更可靠地检测任何连接的电机。mksesc75200 v2电调极限转速高达150000erpm。
2024年1月20日 · 将mcpwm模块与vesc电机控制器相结合,可以实现对电机的精准控制,提高电机的运行效率和性能。通过mcpwm vesc的组合,可以实现电动车辆的平稳驾驶和高效能源利用。
VESC Tool 安装和配置指南 - CSDN博客
2024年9月13日 · VESC Tool 是一个开源的电动机控制工具,主要用于配置和调试 VESC(Vedder's Electric Speed Controller)硬件。 VESC Tool 提供了图形用户界面,使用户能够轻松地配置电机参数、上传固件以及监控实时数据。 C++:用于核心功能的实现。 QML:用于构建用户界面。 C:用于底层硬件接口的实现。 2. 项目使用的关键技术和框架. Qt Framework:用于构建跨平台的图形用户界面。 BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy):用于与支持蓝牙的设备进行 …
VESC spindle control for CNC mill | Duet3D Forum
2018年11月3日 · I'm looking at controlling a CNC mill spindle at the moment. I have a basic module that accepts PWM, and runs the motor, but it's cheap and nasty. I'd like to use a VESC to run the motor, allowing me a lot more control and tweak-ability to things. The VESC however is targeted at RC, and so rather than PWM, it takes PPM (pulse position modulation).
VESC固件(一)--代码框架 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2025年1月12日 · 本文主要理清 VESC 的代码框架,包括组成部分、线程、通信等. 组成部分. 底层驱动( chibios )->motor control->application. 底层驱动采用chibios,motor control下面仔细的说明一下,里面的一些驱动会直接用到chibios提供的接口。 motor control. 主要文件在mc_interface中,创建的 ...
Setting PI / PID controllers in VESC for very low speeds. For CNC
2019年11月9日 · I want to apply VESC as a servo controller for a CNC machine. I am sure that many people have already done this. But I need to control the speed of the servo motor.
Control VESC Spindle Over CAN Bus | Duet3D Forum
2020年5月23日 · I recently put together a workbee CNC with a duet and a brushless spindle paired with a vesc ESC. This thread came up when I searched for vesc and duet spindle control. I found the vesc "servo" input is really a regular pwm input. It is not particularly picky about pwm frequency either.