VESC Project
VESC® Tool is the all new and 100% revised replacement for BLDC-Tool. VESC Tool can be used with the latest VESC compatible hardware and most VESC based hardware of the past. It does not only allow you to configure your VESC devices and upload the latest firmware – it allows you to generate real time data and find out how to set up your ...
VESC Project
Welcome to the Home of the VESC Open Source Project! If you aim to build flexible, efficient, and reliable power systems for your platform, the resources you will find here can help you achieve your goals faster.
GitHub - vedderb/bldc: The VESC motor control firmware
In VESC tool. Connect to the VESC; Navigate to the Firmware tab on the left side menu; Click on Custom file tab; Click on the folder icon to select the built firmware in .bin format (e.g. build/100_250/100_250.bin)
GitHub - vedderb/vesc_tool: The source code for VESC Tool. See vesc …
The "official" binary release of VESC Tool is done via VESC Project only, as that gives users a way to verify that releases, that use the registered VESC trademark, originate from the VESC Project. It is not ok to host a binary release on a different channel and …
VESC Tool 安装和配置指南 - CSDN博客
2024年9月13日 · VESC Tool 是一个开源的电动机控制工具,主要用于配置和调试 VESC(Vedder's Electric Speed Controller)硬件。 VESC Tool 提供了图形用户界面,使用户能够轻松地配置电机参数、上传固件以及监控实时数据。 C++:用于核心功能的实现。 QML:用于构建用户界面。 C:用于底层硬件接口的实现。 2. 项目使用的关键技术和框架. Qt Framework:用于构建跨平台的图形用户界面。 BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy):用于与支持蓝牙的设备进行 …
VESC Setup - ECE/MAE 148
2022年12月30日 · To start, connect the battery voltage checker to the LiPo battery BMS pins. Then connect the main battery terminals to the input for the VESC and a micro USB cable between the VESC and your computer. Select the VESC Tools connect icon: or.
VESC固件(一)--代码框架 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2025年1月12日 · 本文主要理清 VESC 的代码框架,包括组成部分、线程、通信等. 底层驱动(chibios)->motor control->application. 底层驱动采用chibios,motor control下面仔细的说明一下,里面的一些驱动会直接用到chibios提供的接口。 主要文件在mc_interface中,创建的线程有. timer_thread. 周期性执行与电机控制接口相关的任务,1KHz. sample_send_thread. 负责采样数据的发送和处理,可能包括将采集到的电流、电压等数据发送到上位机或其他处理模块,以用于 …
VESCTool Configuration Guide - Projects - pev.dev
2025年1月12日 · Set this to the appropriate value and hit Write (Bottom of screen on Mobile, or on right sidebar [Down-A icon] for Desktop). For LFoc V3.1 (LSM6DS3), we recommend using 832Hz. For Floatwheel (BMI160), this should be 800Hz.
VESC简介与国产替代方案 - CSDN博客
【标题】:“本杰明VESC源码,关于MASTER部分” 【内容详解】 VESC(Variable Frequency Speed Controller)是Benjamin Vedder开发的一种先进的电动机控制器固件,它主要用于无刷直流(BLDC)电机的控制。源码的...
Tips for Flipsky Escs and VESC_Tool Versions Compatibility
2024年9月27日 · The factory firmware version of most of our FSESCs is 5.2, except for 75100 pro v2.0 / 75200 pro v2.0 / MiniV6 MK5 (we have flashed firmware 6.02 before sending out). So please use the related vesc_tool for firmware 5.2 and 6.02 accordingly to avoid parameters settings failures.