Vespa GT200 L, the good the bad and is it worth it?
2006年11月8日 · Vespa GT200 L, the good the bad and is it worth it? Discussion in ' Battle Scooters ' started by damasovi, Aug 10, 2013.
Used Vespa GT200, what to look for - Adventure Rider
2019年8月7日 · Used Vespa GT200, what to look for Discussion in ' Battle Scooters ' started by fafnir, Aug 7, 2019.
Vesppa GT200 known problems? - Adventure Rider
2019年3月8日 · I am planning a 1000+ round trip (500 miles out, 500 miles back) on my Vespa GT200. I have new tires, I replaced the belt about 4000 miles ago, changed...
Vespa GT200L Headgasket Replacement - Adventure Rider
2021年8月19日 · Vespa GT200L Headgasket Replacement Discussion in ' Battle Scooters ' started by fafnir, Aug 19, 2021.
Pricing a dented 2004 Vespa GT200 - Adventure Rider
2018年1月9日 · Pricing a dented 2004 Vespa GT200 Discussion in ' Battle Scooters ' started by BigCanoe, Jan 9, 2018.
Vespa weight? - Adventure Rider
2004年5月13日 · The weight for my GT200, which is the same physical size as a GTS300, is listed as 304 pounds. I have a chrome steel rear rack, Vespa top box, short windshield, clamp on Faco front rack, and a small chrome steel rack over the battery cover, so it probably weighs about the same as the GTS300 with all that stuff on it.
BV250 or Vespa GT200. Which one for long distance rides?
2019年4月22日 · BV250 or Vespa GT200. Which one for long distance rides? Discussion in ' Battle Scooters ' started by ride4321, Apr 22, 2019 .
Gt200 vs 300 Super sport - Adventure Rider
2019年11月18日 · Gt200 vs 300 Super sport Discussion in ' Battle Scooters ' started by bdonley, Nov 18, 2019.
Buying 2005 Vespa GT200L with 38,000 miles...too many miles ...
2008年4月28日 · It depends mostly on one thing. Maintenance. A properly maintained Vespa should last a long time, well beyond 38,000 miles. I change the oil in my GT200 every 1000 miles, even though the book says 3000. I also warm it up before taking off, and keep it parked inside.
Question about 2007 Vespa GT 200 - Adventure Rider
2017年10月4日 · FWIW, the GT200 is my favorite modern Vespa. Partly because it is air cooled and doesn't have fuel injection.