[ytp] vev - YouTube
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UniversalFan707/YTP-Editor - GitHub
The YTP Editor provides a comprehensive suite of features for generating YTP videos by applying a range of effects, transitions, and audio manipulations. It integrates popular Python libraries like MoviePy and FFmpeg to handle video editing tasks, and allows users to customize their video creations through scripting.
YTP - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
YTP (全称: YouTube Poop [1];日语: ユーチューブプープ),指的是一种混搭剪辑视频(Video ビデオ Mashup マッシュアップ),与 AMV 和 MAD 既有联系又有区别。 [2] YTP通过对既存的多媒体素材进行混搭,造成幽默、误解或惊悚的效果,这也就是YTP的三个比较主要的流派: Humorousユーモラス 、 Confusingコンフュシング 、 Shockingショッキング。 需要注意的是YTP不一定与 ACG 相关,而且可能包含 R-18 内容。 通常情况下YTP会由投稿者上传到 …
[YTP] JoJ: a VeV a - Entry for WoopdooCrafter's Collab
This is my first (released) full length proper YTP. Enjoy.(custom thumbnail to come)
V-V-VEV.( YTP) look in desc - YouTube
This is my first YTP that ive actally tried on so it might be bad..Also creds to my buddy Gabe for the tumbnail.
[YTP] 𝑶𝑯 𝒀𝑬𝑨𝑯 - YouTube
2020年12月29日 · oh yesssthanks for watching!I stay active and reply on Discord: https://discord.gg/74JDXs2km2subscribe
Releases · DevanWolf/YTPPlusPlus - GitHub
FFmpeg, FFprobe, and frei0r come bundled with YTP++, so no need to install them after setting up. NOTE: If you are running a 32-bit system (and when you can't run the 64-bit FFmpeg), replace the 64-bit FFmpeg and FFprobe files and frei0r folder with 32 …
[YTP] Vidamin The VeV Theme SoS - YouTube
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r/ytp_archive - Reddit
This sub is meant to archive currently uploaded YTPs that have existed on Youtube for years and are considered historically, culturally, and/or aesthetically significant to the YTP community. Any YTPs submitted that are too "new" or come from obscure or unfamiliar sources will not be considered for archiving.
GitHub - DevanWolf/YTPPlus3: YTP+3 (a.k.a. enhanced YTP+++), …
Using YTP+++ is fairly straightforward. The following steps will guide you through the process of creating a video and watching it. Start YTP+++. Follow the initial setup. If you encounter any issues, please ensure that you have installed all of the prerequisites. Update to the latest version of YTP+++ if prompted. Click on the Library tab.