VTSAX or VEXAX [Vanguard Total Stock Market vs. Extended …
2018年4月16日 · VTSAX or VEXAX [Vanguard Total Stock Market vs. Extended Market Index] Post by LIGuy82 » Sun May 13, 2018 9:01 pm I was recently re-balancing my portfolio and was considering adding Vanguard Extended Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VEXAX) to my portfolio, as it is the equivalent of the TSP S-fund, which has outperformed the C Fund/VTSAX …
VEXAX vs VPMAX vs VIIIX - Bogleheads.org
2019年7月12日 · While the bonds fund allocation is straightforward, I am debating between % allocations to VIIIX (0.02% ), VEXAX (0.06%) and VPMAX(0.31%). VPMAX, in particular, has outperformed most of the stock and large blend funds in the last 10 years, and perfomed on par with S&P 500 during the same time , but has a high expense ratio of 0.31%.
Vanguard's Total Stock (VTSAX) vs. Extended Market (VEXAX)
2021年1月14日 · I have VTSAX in my Roth IRA and my taxable account. In my 401k I have a non-Vanguard fund that is basically the same thing as VEXAX, along with an S&P500 index fund and hold them in proportion to replicate VTSAX. Edit: my 401k does not have a …
Vanguard extended market index VEXAX - Bogleheads.org
2020年2月12日 · VEXAX is the market completion index fund for the S&P500. That is, it holds the total market less the S&P500. VSMAX is the market completion index fund for the CRSP large cap index, which is more inclusive than the S&P500. Thus, VEXAX or VSMAX are consistent with your objectives, but VIMAX is not.
(ETF vs Investor shares vs Admiral) VXF vs VEXAX vs VEXMX
2017年8月7日 · Vanguard Extended Market ETF (VXF) has an expense ratio of 0.08%, Invesor Shares (VEXMX) have an expense ratio of 0.21%, and Admiral Shares (VEXAX) have an expense ratio of 0.08%. 1) The difference in expense ratio of 0.13 % produces just $6,50 per year in savings on an investment of $5k. a trivial amount.
VEXAX - Bogleheads.org
2022年1月25日 · Seeking some feed back regarding Vanguard Extended Market Index Admiral VEXAX. This fund is the only mid cap growth investment in my portfolio. I purchased 66 shares in July 2021. $142.68 per share. As of today, January 25, share price is $123.44. Market is very turbulent. Would it be wise to liquidate and invest in another Vanguard fund that I ...
VFIAX + VEXAX - Rebalancing Approach and Does It Matter?
2025年1月6日 · As an example, because of recent VFIAX run, the split is 87 / 13 to replicate VTSAX now. A month ago, the split was 86 / 14. I do realize that I did this to myself by having VFIAX + VEXAX instead of VTSAX. I sit at 85 / 15 with my allocation now. I am still in accumulation stage so there will be new capital to invest.
Help With VTSAX, VFIAX, VEXAX [Compare to TSP]
2013年3月1日 · The 500 Index (VFIAX) and the Extended Market Index (VEXAX) can also be combined to make the Total Stock Market. The appropriate ratio is either 80/20 or 75/25 depending on your source. Considering that the majority of my Roth IRA has been invested into VTSAX, would it be advisable to substitute VTSAX for equal parts "C Fund" & "S Fund"?
Dividends: VTI vs. VTSAX vs. VFIAX + VEXAX - Bogleheads.org
2022年2月21日 · Is there a difference in dividends thrown out by VFIAX (SP500) + VEXAX (Extended market index) - as compared to VTSAX and/or VTI. I see that I've received around 1100 in dividends in my taxable last year - so unnecessary spend of 37% in taxes, and I'm currently invested in VEXAX + VFIAX -> as a result of tax loss harvesting out of VTSAX during ...
VFIAX and VEXAX? Or just one? [Vanguard 500 Index and …
Vanguard Extended Market Index Admiral(VEXAX) ER 0.08<br/> Vanguard Total Intl Stock Index Admiral(VTIAX) ER 0.11<br/> Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Admiral(VBTLX) ER 0.05<br/> <br/> My wife started a new job and has a 403(b) available to her. Lincoln Financial runs it.