Historically, the U.S. National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (VFQ) has been used to assess the impact of various diseases of the eye on daily living and quality of life. Recent studies have suggested that the VFQ is inadequate for the assessment of how vitreous floaters & VDM impact the lives of sufferers.
Vitreous Floaters Functional Questionnaire for Vision Degrading ...
Following limited vitrectomy, VFFQ improved substantially more than VFQ-25, more sensitively reflecting improved VQOL. Thus, VFFQ may prove useful as an outcome measure of various therapeutic approaches, as well as in screening for treatable Vision Degrading Myodesopsia and evaluating disease severity for individual patients.
The (VFFQ) Vitreous Floaters Functional Questionnaire
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To Treat—or Not to Treat—Vitreous Floaters
2018年3月1日 · Sebag and colleagues devised a screening tool called the Vitreous Floaters Functional Questionnaire (VFFQ) to help evaluate the impact of floaters on patients’ quality of life.
Visual Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25) | RAND
2001年1月1日 · The RAND VFQ-25 is a reliable and valid 25-item version of the 51-item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ). It is especially useful in settings such …
2016年6月17日 · 本文旨在将 NEI-VFQ-25量表翻译为中文版本,并选用糖尿病眼病与早诊早治项目筛查对象的视功能调查资料对量表的性能进行评价,为视功能受损者生命质量的评价及成本-效果分析提供依据。 1 对象与方法2211 · ·C MY K. 现代预防医学015年第4卷第1期ModernPreventiveMedicine,015,Vol.4,NO.1·健康与社会行为·视功能相关生命质量量表NEI-VFQ-5中文版的研制及其性能评价张海瑞1,马莉1,任苒1,巴颖,宁岩1,徐嘉1,朱丽娜11. …
结论 中文版视功能相关生命质量量表 N E I — V F Q 一 2 5符合 中国文化特点 ,具有 良好的信度和效度 ,可作为视功能受损 者生命 质量 的测评工具。 关键词 :N E I — V F Q 一 2 5 ;视功能 ;信度 ;效度 中图分 类号 :R1 8 1 . 2 ,R1 9 5 文献标 志码 :A 文章 编号 :1 0 0 3 — 8 5 0 7 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 2 — 2 2 1 1 - 0 4.
The VMR Research Foundation has taken the lead in developing a self-administered Vitreous Floaters Functional Question (VFFQ). The VFFQ is undergoing validation studies which are required before widespread implementation is justified.
Visual Function Questionnaire 25 - National Eye Institute
Measures the dimensions of self-reported vision-targeted health status that are most important for persons who have chronic eye diseases.
中文版视功能相关生存质量量表-25研制及初步应用评价 - 豆丁网
2015年3月6日 · 【摘要】目的研制中文版视功能相关的生存质量量表一25,计算其信度和效. 度并应用于眼病患者中,考察量表在反映眼病对患者生存质量影响的评价情况。 方法选取美国国家眼科研究所开发的视功能相关的生存质量量表. (NEI-VFQ.25),经过翻译、四译和文化调适后,形成中文版量表。 分别测鞋. 病例组113例眼病患者(年龄相关性白内障26人,高度近视24人,青光 …