Vaterländischer Frauenverein - Wikipedia
Vaterländischer Frauenverein (acronym, VFV; English translation, "Patriotic Women's Association"; long form, "German Women's Association for the Care and Aid of War Wounded") was founded by the Prussian Queen (later German Empress) Augusta on 11 November 1866. Initially, its reach was only the city of Berlin.
Iron Cross Militaria Shop | eBay Stores
We specialise in WW1, WW2 and post war German militaria. We offer an extensive range of medals, ribbons, ribbon bars, badges, insignias, documents and books. All items offered for sale, that are described as original, have a 100% lifetime guarantee of authenticity, supported by Iron Cross Militaria's excellent customer service.
第一次世界大战 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1914年6月28日, 奥匈帝国 皇儲 弗朗茨·斐迪南大公 在萨拉热窝被 波士尼亞塞族 普林齐普 刺殺,觸發各大列強間的 外交與政治危機。 奥匈帝国 認為 塞尔维亚王国 應對此負起責任,於7月28日對後者宣戰。 7月30日, 俄罗斯帝国 發布總動員令以保衛塞爾維亞,連鎖反應導致 法國 、 德國 及 英國 也進入戰爭狀態。 戰爭初期, 德国总参谋部 按西攻東守的戰略向法國 發動攻勢,但在9月上旬的 馬恩河戰役 折戟後,西線逐漸陷入僵局,轉變成從 北海 至 瑞士 的 堑壕战。 至於 東 …
Veterans of Foreign Wars - Wikipedia
The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), formally the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, is an organization of United States war veterans who fought in wars, campaigns, and expeditions on foreign land, waters, or airspace as military service members. [5][7] Established on September 29, 1899, in Columbus, Ohio, [8] the VFW is headquartered...
VFV - Vorarlberger Fußballverband | Landingpage
Informationen zu Cookies auf www.vfv.at. Wir verwenden Cookies. Diese dienen dazu, Funktionalität und Performance unserer Website zu gewährleisten sowie die Nutzung der Website zu analysieren. Darüber hinaus verwenden wir optionale Cookies ("Marketing Cookies"), um Ihnen Werbung auf unserer Website, Social Media und Partnerwebsites ...
100% Original VFV Red Cross pinback. Dated 1914 with maker mark and "BERLIN" on lower back of pin. The red enamel on the red cross is vibrant and damage free. This item came back with some WW2 collectables but is dated for WW1. The pin and catch are original, intact and function perfectly.
Original WWI WW1 German DRK Rotes Kreuz Red Cross brooch …
2024年11月20日 · We specialize in selling collectibles, antique curiosities, and militaria. Our detailed descriptions highlight any item flaws. All items are carefully packaged with tracking for secure shipping. Our inventory is stored in a smoke-free environment.
1914-1918-Online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War (WW1)
The International Encyclopedia of the First World War (WW1) is a collaborative international research project designed to develop a virtual English-language reference work on the First World War. Explore the comprehensive, peer-reviewed "1914-1918-online" encyclopedia.
WW1 Veteran Medals (Weimar Republic incl.) - Dracomedals
GERMANY: WW1 Commemorative Cross for the Battle of the Somme - 1st type. With its diploma.
Germany WW1 Red Cross 1898 Military Medal WWI 1914 1918 …
Austro-Hungarian Empire: Red Cross patriotic cap badge in the form of the German Iron Cross 1st class. Dated 1914-15. Imperial Germany - Austro Hungarian Empire: WW1 Joint Fund Raising Medal for the Red Cross. "Gold" class. Germany: Honor Badge-Stickpin of the German Red Cross, Gold Class, for 50 Years Active Membership.