YAP1 and VGLL3, encoding two cofactors of TEAD transcription …
In a series of 404 adult soft tissue sarcomas, analyzed by array-CGH, we have observed in approximately 10% of them a genomic amplification of either chromosome bands 11q22 or 3p12. These two amplicons likely target the YAP1 and VGLL3 genes, respectively. Both genes encode proteins that are cofactor …
【JMC】TEAD靶点综述 - 知乎
(1) 最近已经证明, SCD1 (硬脂酰-CoA-去饱和酶1,负责产生棕榈油酰-CoA的酶,它是Wnt的O-棕榈油酰化的底物)通过YAP / TAZ的稳定化和核定位来调节肺癌的干性。 方案1. TEAD配体:其本地化及其合作伙伴. 在细胞核中,已经表明TEAD与YAP或VgLL4的相互作用可以通过乙酰化/脱乙酰化平衡来控制。 在31个肝细胞癌(HCC)肿瘤组织中, Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1)的水平显着高于相邻的非肿瘤组织,而在肿瘤和非肿瘤组织中,YAP表达相似。 (3) 检查SIRT1和 CTGF …
YAP1 and VGLL3, encoding two cofactors of TEAD transcription …
2010年9月14日 · In a series of 404 adult soft tissue sarcomas, analyzed by array-CGH, we have observed in approximately 10% of them a genomic amplification of either chromosome bands 11q22 or 3p12. These two amplicons likely target the YAP1 and VGLL3 genes, respectively. Both genes encode proteins that are cofactors of the TEAD family of transcription factors.
VGLL3 operates via TEAD1, TEAD3 and TEAD4 to influence …
2019年7月5日 · In mammals, Vgll1–Vgll3 have one TONDU domain, and are expressed in a tissue-specific fashion, while Vgll4 has two TONDU domains and is ubiquitously expressed. Functionally, VGLL4 is a YAP-TEAD repressor or antagonist, whereas VGLL1–VGLL3 have been suggested to be ‘selector’ genes that specify cell and tissue types (Koontz et al., 2013).
Pharmacological blockade of TEAD–YAP reveals its therapeutic
2022年11月8日 · Here we show that TEAD palmitoylation inhibitor MGH-CP1 and analogues block cancer cell “stemness”, organ overgrowth and tumor initiation in vitro and in vivo. MGH-CP1 sensitivity correlates...
Vestigial-like family member 3 (VGLL3), a cofactor for TEAD ...
2020年6月6日 · Vestigial-like 3 (VGLL3) is a member of the VGLL family, whose members serve as cofactors for TEA domain–containing transcription factors (TEADs). TEADs promote tissue and tumor development together with the cofactors Yes-associated protein (YAP) and transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ).
VGLL3 operates via TEAD1, TEAD3 and TEAD4 to influence ... - PubMed
2019年7月5日 · Interaction proteomics revealed that VGLL3 bound TEAD1, TEAD3 and TEAD4 in myoblasts and/or myotubes. However, there was no interaction with proteins from major regulatory systems such as the Hippo kinase cascade, unlike what is found for the TEAD co-factors YAP (encoded by YAP1) and TAZ (encoded by WWTR1).
YAP1 and VGLL3, Encoding Two Cofactors of TEAD
2010年12月1日 · The YAP1 (Yes-associated protein 1) gene is located in chromosome 11q22.1 locus and encodes a protein (YAP1) that binds to the SH3 domain of the YES tyrosine kinase and acts as a...
A new perspective on the interaction between the Vg/VGLL1-3 …
2020年10月15日 · We propose that the accumulation of mutations during this evolutionary process led to the loss of the Ω-loop in VGLL1 and VGLL3. VGLL2 followed a different trajectory since it still contains a ...
Frontal lobe intra-axial schwannoma harboring a CHD7::VGLL3
2025年1月10日 · The Hippo pathway, mTORC1, and VGLL3 all negatively regulate the YAP1/TEAD cotranscriptional complex. We hypothesize that this schwannoma may have arisen because of increased VGLL3 functional activity from the CHD7::VGLL3 fusion and, perhaps, increased mTORC1 activity due to TSC2 mutation, and their combined effects on the balance between YAP1 ...