人绒毛膜促性腺激素 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (英語: Human chorionic gonadotropin,简写为 hCG)是一种 糖蛋白 激素,由 胎盤 的 滋胚層 細胞分泌,主要功能是刺激 黃體,有利於 雌激素 和 黃體酮 持續分泌,以促進子宮蛻膜形成,使 胎盤 生長成熟。 胚胎 一旦 著床 後, 滋胚層 細胞就會開始分泌hCG,所以可以透過血中或尿中hCG值來判斷妊娠。 由244个 氨基酸 残基组成,分子量36.7kDa,大小7.5×3.5×3纳米。 为异源二聚体,其α亚基与 促黄体素 (LH)、 促滤泡素 (FSH)和 促甲狀 …
Human chorionic gonadotropin - Wikipedia
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone for the maternal recognition of pregnancy produced by trophoblast cells that are surrounding a growing embryo (syncytiotrophoblast initially), which eventually forms the placenta after implantation. [1][2] The presence of hCG is detected in some pregnancy tests (HCG pregnancy strip tests).
Human chorionic gonadotropin: Biochemistry and measurement ... - UpToDate
2023年6月23日 · Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is an important biomarker for detection of pregnancy and pregnancy-related disorders, as well as a useful tumor marker, particularly in the management of trophoblastic disease and germ cell neoplasias. It is also a component of some prenatal screening tests for Down syndrome.
hCG: Biological Functions and Clinical Applications - PMC
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced primarily by differentiated syncytiotrophoblasts, and represents a key embryonic signal that is essential for the maintenance of pregnancy. hCG can activate various signaling cascades including mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2 (Smad2), protein kinase C (PKC), and/or protein kinase A (PKA) i...
Extreme βHCG levels in first trimester screening are risk factors for ...
Multiples of the normal median (MoM) of free βHCG is a valuable parameter in evaluation of risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. In the current retrospective study, we assessed the maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnant women having free βHCG MoM levels < 0.2 or > 5 in their first trimester screening (FTS).
腹腔血与静脉血hCG比值在诊断异位妊娠中的价值 - 中华妇产科杂志
以RP hCG /V hCG >1.0为标准可以快速、准确地协助诊断异位妊娠,有利于术前和术中执行正确的决策。 引用本文: 王玉东|赵文霞|陆琦|滕银成|孙峰|程蔚蔚. 腹腔血与静脉血hCG比值在诊断异位妊娠中的价值 [J] . 中华妇产科杂志,2013,48 ( 03 ): 177-180. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0529-567x.2013.03.004.
2016 RCOG/AEPU 指南:异位妊娠的诊断和管理
2016 年 11 月,英国皇家妇产科医师学院(RCOG)联合早期妊娠协会(AEPU)共同发布了异位妊娠的诊断和管理指南,以替代 2004 年发布的输卵管妊娠管理指南,旨在为异位妊娠的诊断和管理提供循证指导。 涉及的异位妊娠情况包括输卵管、宫颈、剖宫产疤痕、输卵管间质部、宫角、卵巢和腹腔妊娠,不包括妊娠部位不明的诊断和管理。 推荐总结如下: 输卵管妊娠. 1. 超声检查. (1)选择经阴道超声诊断输卵管异位妊娠。 (B 级) (2)超声下尽可能区分附件肿块和卵 …
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) - Medscape
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced during pregnancy. It can support pregnancy by allowing for the production of progesterone, which can help to prepare the lining of the uterus...
[Clinical value of hCG ratio of blood in peritoneal cavity versus ...
The HCG of all subjective were measured in blood in peritonea cavity and venous blood, then calculate the ratio of RPhCG/VhCG. Scatter point analysis and ROC were used to differentiate EP, determine threshold of hIUP and evaluate the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy in diagnosis EP preoperatively.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: The Pregnancy Hormone and …
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), also known as “the hormone of pregnancy” has an important role in human reproduction. Several studies have demonstrated its crucial part in establishing and maintaining pregnancy, through placentation and early embryo development.