V.I. Bureau of Internal Revenue
U.S. Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue Welcome to the official website of the Bureau of Internal Revenue here in the Virgin Islands.
Forms | V.I. Bureau of Internal Revenue
2021年12月2日 · The official website of the Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue. we're open: MON-FRI 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM | STT: (340) 715-1040 STX: (340) 773-1040 | BIR. search results. Forms News Credit & Deductions Events Careers. Forms News Credit & …
Tax Excise - Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue
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must be made directly to the Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue. 2. You may make a payment with Form 941 V. I. instead of depositing, if you accumulate less than $2,500 tax liability during the quarter. Monthly Deposits: - are due on the 15th day of the following month in which the taxes were withheld.
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Taxpayer Portal | Log in - VI
Taxpayer Portal | Log in. Log in on the USVI Taxpayer Portal. You will need a user ID, a password and a PIN. You may receive your PIN either by text message or e-mail.
V.I Bureau of Internal Revenue
The official website of the U.S Virgin Island Online Filing System (VIOFIL)
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V.I. Bureau of Internal Revenue
The official website of the Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue. we're open: MON-FRI 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM | STT: (340) 715-1040 STX: (340) 773-1040 | BIR. search results. Forms News Credit & Deductions Events Careers. Forms News Credit & Deductions Events Careers. Contacts Main. Red Hook. St. Thomas. tel: (340) 715--1040 ...