Accessing the data – Foresight - Forest Fire Management Victoria
Grass Fire Danger Index expresses fire risk and behaviour for grass fuels. Inputs include temperature, relative humidity, average wind speed at 10 m and fuel condition (curing). A …
Forest Fire Danger Index – Bushfire best practice guide
The average annual accumulated FDI for the states and territories are set out in AS 3959:2018 and are listed in the table below for easy access. These FDI values may be used when you …
Bushfire Forest Fire Danger Index – climate averages maps, Bureau …
These maps show the mean Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI) over Australia for each month for the period 1950 to 2016. Higher values represent more dangerous weather conditions for …
MapShareVic - Land.Vic
Developed by Enterprise Spatial Applications. Loading ... this may take some time
Victoria Fire Danger Ratings - Bureau of Meteorology
21 小时之前 · Monitor the weather at www.bom.gov.au and the fire situation at www.cfa.vic.gov.au or through your emergency broadcasters: ABC Local Radio, commercial and designated …
Select the relevant table from Tables 2.4 or 2.6 for FDI 50 or FDI 100 as relevant for Victoria. Using the relevant table, determine the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) for each of the vegetation …
Using VicPlan - Planning
VicPlan is a state wide map viewer for location based planning scheme information. You can use it to locate any property or parcel in Victoria using the address/parcel search, or by browsing …
DEECA Maps and everything spatial
DEECA's key spatial products, Vicmap Address, property, vegetation, hydro and more. DataShare is the place to search and download spatial data managed by the Department of Energy, …
DEECA Maps and everything spatial
Your place for Victoria’s most up-to-date and accurate maps, spatial data and aerial imagery.
Maps - City of Victoria
The City of Victoria offers access to a variety of maps and applications. VicMap is a map of City owned assets which enables residents, developers, consultants, and others to view a wide …