Vincian | Queerdom Wiki | Fandom
The white middle stripe is taken from the trans flag and represents all trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming vincians/gay men. The green and teal in the flag represent nature. The blue gradient on the bottom of half the flag symbolizes how some vincians might be stereotypical, some might not be, and some are in-between or fluid.
Vincian - LGBTQIA+ Wiki
2024年6月21日 · One vincian flag was designed by tumblr user Chara Violet on June 5, 2021. [2] . This flag is based on all the other flags for gay male subcultures: On the top, there's a pink stripe which is seen on the twink flag + the crown in the drag flag. Pink is also a color that’s historically been used to represent gay men in various ways.
Vincian Flag History and Controversy
The vincian (aka toothpaste) flag as we know it today was based heavily upon a blue/green gay mlm flag (aka the listerine flag) that was created back in June of 2017.
2025年1月29日 · [24] The gay man flag was created by queer_masculist and sashafoxx, and published on the 9th of October, 2018, in a VKontakte group to combat gayphobia (homophobia against men). The blue, sky-blue, and azure shades were chosen to represent masculinity, and is an analogue of the traditional lesbian flag. [25]
Vinciangender - LGBTQIA+ Wiki
2024年9月5日 · Vinciangender is an orientationgender in which one's vincian identity heavily affects, correlates with, or influences their gender. One may feel that their attraction to men has an impact on their gender that can only be explained by it. Vinciangender individuals may identify as other genders along with vinciangender.
vincian flag : r/AskLGBT - Reddit
2022年6月23日 · One that’s green to indigo and one that’s light blue to dark blue. The one that’s light blue to dark blue was made by someone who supports bisexual lesbians and bisexual vincians (identities which a lot of people find problematic), made a label fetishizing POC, and people found that the flag is extremely similar to the lipstick lesbian flag
Vincian | LGBTQIA+ Wiki | Fandom
Viridian: Procedente de viridi, la palabra latina para verde, un color que a menudo se asocia con la homosexualidad masculina. Vir también significa hombre. [3] Casian: Basado en el latín casia que significa "lavanda". [6] Gayan: Tiene el mismo significado que "gay" en "hombre gay" al igual que "lesbiana" en "mujer lesbiana". [7]
Vincian | definition by Lexicon Library.LGBT
a term, named after Leonardo da Vinci, to describe gay men. Although sometimes used as an alternate for Achillean, the intention is to describe gay men specifically, as an equivalent to lesbian, whereas Achillean, like Sapphic, is meant to include bisexual+ individuals.
Homoromantic - LGBTQIA+ Wiki
2024年4月3日 · A vincian homoromantic flag. Homoromantic refers to the romantic attraction to the same gender or genders similar to one's own. A homoromantic individual may or may not be sexually attracted to the same/similar gender (s). Homoromantic can be used to refer to men, women, or non-binary individuals. It is considered the opposite of heteroromantic.
Original Vincian Flag | Pride Flag Wiki | Fandom
The original flag representing the vincian community. The white represents non-binary men and purple blues represent effeminate or gender non-conforming men.