Viconia with Good Reputation? :: Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced …
2020年4月13日 · No. Having Viconia join your party lowers your reputation (just like punching a peasant would), but doesn't prevent you from regaining your reputation later. You will have to keep punching peasants to keep your reputation low enough for Viconia.
How to Initiate and Complete a Romance with Viconia in "Baldur’s …
2017年9月22日 · Viconia will start a romance with the main character if he always exhibits strength and eschews all semblance of weakness or pity. Begin a new game and create a human male character of any class and alignment. Play through the opening dungeon of the game and then go to the Government District in the city of Athkatla.
BG2: Where is Viconia? - Beamdog Forums
OK, I rescued Viconia from the fanatics; since I was just setting off on Nalia's quest, I told her I'd catch up with her later, in the GY. But after the Keep quest was over, I combed the GY and could find no trace of her. I even checked my journal to confirm that she was supposed to be waiting, and that I hadn't accidentally dismissed her.
Romance with Viconia De Vir in BG2 EE. — Beamdog Forums
Hello all, I have a question, you should be evil alignment, to do romance with Viconia De Vir in BG2 EE? Or there is any kind of restrictions? Thank you in advance. You must be male and you cannot be an elf to romance Viconia. You can convince her to change her alignment in ToB, or so I …
Viconia romance (maybe spoiler) - Ironworks Gaming Forum
2002年6月1日 · can anyone give me the full 'walkthrough' of the viconia romance? Try some seach engines for some BG2 sites, because I am quite sure that IW doesn't have it and neither does the otehr one (can't remember what it is called).... anyway that's it, sos to be of no help..... \"I do what I must, when I must. Know this well.\" -- Solaufein of Ust Natha.
Best melee weapon for Viconia? (spoilers) — Beamdog Forums
I'm wondering which is the best weapon for Viconia to use in melee - the Stupifier Mace (+1, but with 25% chance to stun on hit) or the +2/+1 electrical damage hammer you can get from Bassilus?
Viconia - GameBanshee
Find and view all Viconia including detailed information for Baldur's Gate II on GameBanshee!
SPELLHOLD STUDIOS - Viconia Friendship
The Viconia Friendship is a WeiDU mod, packaged in an extractable .ZIP archive. Simply unpack the mod package into your Baldur's Gate II directory and run "setup-viconia.exe". To un-install, run "setup-viconia.exe" again and select the un-install option.
Government District (AR1000) - GameBanshee
You'll need to visit this estate for one of Bodhi's quests, provided you side with her in Chapter 2. The first time you pass by this part of the district, you'll witness some fanatics preparing to execute Viconia (a companion from Baldur's Gate) simply because she's a drow. You'll have two choices for what to do:
Baldur's Gate 2 Online Walkthrough - Sorcerer's Place
If Viconia is in your party, her first-hand knowledge of the Drow comes in handy. Giving a humble answer like "I beg you to let me enter" or a patently stupid answer like "I am [CHARNAME] from the lair of Adalon" will turn the Drow hostile, and you will have to fight your way through Ust Natha to get Adalon's eggs.