您的电源系统模块化解决方案 | Vicor 公司 - Vicor Corporation
采用电源系统设计工具快速查找产品 Watch demo video. 更好的供电方式:Vicor 是一家全球领先的电源技术公司,专注于利用模块化电源元件支持供电。
* Certification Number SIRA01ATEX1274 (VL39) * Approved to II 2GD Ex de IIC T4 * Ingress Protection IP66 & IP67 * Ambient Temperature Range -20°C to +48°C/+35°C minimum (VL38/VL39) Features * Die-cast LM6 aluminium body with borosilicate lampglass * For use with E27 (VL38) or E40 (VL39) lamps * Multi-tapped ballast for 220V, 230V, 240V ...
Modular Solutions For Your Power System | Vicor Corporation
A better way to deliver power: Vicor is a leading, global power technology company, focused on advancing power delivery with modular power components.
The PRM is a family of zero-voltage switching (ZVS) buck-boost regulators with a wide input voltage range that provide a regulated, adjustable output voltage. PRMs can be used stand-alone as non-isolated voltage regulators or combined with VTM current multipliers for an isolated or non-isolated DC-DC solution.
The Vicor NBM™, utilizing a Sine Amplitude Converter (SAC®) ZCS/ZVS topology, provides non-isolated bidirectional voltage conversion in a fixed-ratio manner. The NBM has an associated K factor which determines the transformation voltage. In step-down mode, when a source is
Victor Atex Titan VL39 flameproof Light Fitting, unused
Lot 183 at Auction 2 of an Onshore Drilling and Ground Freezing Contractor from Pinder Asset Solutions.
Vicor | 茂綸股份有限公司 - Macnica
Vicor為企業和高效能運算、工業設備與自動化、機器人、無人機、電動汽車與運輸、衛星以及航空航太與國防等領域的客戶提供服務。 Vicor 官方網站: https://www.vicorpower.com/
TURBINE.PARTS > Фонарь Victor Lighting Titan VL39
Фонарь Victor Lighting Titan VL39. MO2I/400/MV Victor Lighting MONARCH II VL15I MA2I/258/BI/EM Victor Lighting MARQUIS II VL56I MA2I/136/BI/EM/HF Victor Lighting MARQUIS II VL56I H/F V10I/500/TH Victor Lighting FLOODLIGHT …
Vicor - macnicacytech.com
电源转换解决方案领导者 | Vicor - Vicor Corporation
Vicor 是高性能电源模块的领导者,通过易于部署的模块化电源系统解决方案帮助客户为供电网络实现创新,以提供从电源到负载点的最高密度和效率。 我们始终站在配电架构、转换拓扑及封装技术的最前沿,不断提高 Vicor 电源模块的密度、效率和供电能力。