Style 77S Stainless Steel Type 316 Flexible Coupling - Victaulic
Style 77S Stainless Steel Type 316 Flexible Coupling. Provides a rugged mechanical joint for grooved end stainless steel piping systems; Sizes from ¾” – 18″ | DN20 – DN450; Pressures up to 300 psi | 2068 kPa | 21 bar
Housing: Type 316 stainless steel, conforming to ASTM-A351, A743, and A744 Grade CF8M. EPDM (Green stripe color code). Temperature range -30°F to +230°F/-34°C to +110°C. May be specified for hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemical services.
Victaulic Style 77 Flexible Coupling - Flexible Pipe Joining
Style 77 Flexible Coupling. Cross-ribbed, two piece housing construction; Sizes from ¾ – 24″ | DN20 – DN600; Pressures up to 1000 psi | 6895 kPa | 69 bar
Accommodates pressures ranging from full vacuum (29.9 in Hg/760 mm Hg) up to 1000 psi/6894 kPa. Working pressure dependent on material, wall thickness and size of pipe. Joins standard roll grooved and cut grooved pipe, as well as grooved fittings, valves and accessories.
See publication 17.03 for the Style 77S Stainless Steel Flexible Coupling. Maximum Working Pressure: • Up to 1200 psi/8273 kPa/82 Bar on duplex/super duplex stainless steel
2 in. Grooved 316 Stainless Steel Coupling with EPDM Gasket - Ferguson
Find the Victaulic 2 in. Grooved 316 Stainless Steel Coupling with EPDM Gasket at Ferguson online for delivery or pickup at a Ferguson store near you.
Style W77/W77B AGS Flexible Coupling - Victaulic
Unique wedge shaped key profile increases allowable pipe end separation. Sizes from 14 - 78" | DN350 - DN2000. Pressures up to 350 psi | 2413 kPa | 24 bar.
Victaulic® L080077XL3 L080077XL3
Victaulic® Coupling, Flexible, Series: 77S, Fitting/Connector Type: Coupling, 8 in Nominal, 2.44 in Thickness, 7/8 in Hex, 300 psi, Stainless Steel, 14.74 in W
Victaulic 标准挠性接头 77 型 0604 - 豆丁网
2016年11月28日 · Victaulic推荐W77型AGS接头。更多信息, 请索取20.03出版物。 警告. •对使用 Victaulic 接头的薄壁不锈钢管开槽时必须. 使用 Victaulic RX 套辊。 未能使用 Victaulic RX 套辊对薄壁不锈钢管进行开. 槽,可能引起连接故障,造成严重的人身伤害和/或财. 产损坏。 说明
See Victaulic Publication 02.06 for potable water approvals if applicable. Product Description: Designed to provide a rugged mechanical joint for grooved end stainless steel piping systems, the Style 77S coupling, available in sizes 8 – 18"/200-450 mm, is cast of CF8M (Type 316 stainless steel). See page 3 for