Was V'ger responsible for the creation of the Borg?
Jan 19, 2011 · It looks like this explanation for the origin of the Borg is not canon.. The Star Trek Encyclopedia speculates that there could be a connection between the Borg and V'ger, the vessel encountered in Star Trek: The Motion Picture; this is advanced in …
What becomes of V'ger at the end of Star Trek: The Motion Picture?
Jan 31, 2014 · It is not stated in the film; they simply leave, after first subjecting the audience to a poorly-executed attempt to duplicate the flashing lights scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey (Paramount actually sued the original special effects company for TMP, I believe, over the poor quality of their effects).
What was the origin of Star Trek's Borg?
May 27, 2016 · I understand that there's no definite answer but on Memory-Alpha it says that Borg was the product of cybernetic augmentation of living organisms that was advanced to the point where they ceased to be the species they were before that and became Borg.