BOSG.12.2 - Rainbow Six Wiki
The BOSG.12.2 is a shotgun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It is available for use by Vigil and is unlocked at Operator level 3. Overview [] The BOSG.12.2 performs in a similar manner as its counterpart in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. The weapon features a high damage output and is capable of hitting targets at longer ranges ...
Vigil - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
Vigil有一句被玩家们熟知的韩语台词“말보다는 행동이지(坐而言不如起而行)”,被社区玩家空耳为中文“白裤裆寒冬一击”,是广为流传的梗,因此Vigil还有一个绰号叫“白裤裆”。
BOSG is not a viable gun on both Vigil and Dokkieabi
The C75 (only gun I’d ever run with the bosg) is a decent enough pistol to handle quite a few CQB engagements, so you could potentially use the Bosg for long corridors or window peaks. Viable? Yes, but only in early rounds and on certain maps.
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Vigil Loadouts That Are Excellent
2024年8月8日 · The BOSG.12.2 slug shotgun being Vigil’s primary weapon will be a great for players who have great aim and flick shots as it can down an opponent with just one shot from its optimal range
彩虹六号游戏枪械与干员科普——Vigil与K1A卡宾步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
BOSG.12.2 霰弹枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
该枪在测试服测试时,能够打碎 总统专机 的机窗玻璃,虽然不能单次射击直接穿透,但当时也引起了一阵话题。 然而这个功能在正式服还是被取消了。
Rainbow Six:BOSG.12.2 - The Tom Clancy Wiki
The BOSG.12.2 is a shotgun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation White Noise expansion. It is available for use by Dokkaebi and Vigil. Overview. Unlike other shotguns, the BOSG.12.2 fires a single slug instead of a spread of individual pellets, giving it a much longer range and higher damage with a single shell ...
BOSG or K1A on Vigil? : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
BOSG feels incredible when you double tap two opponents in seconds. It feels terrible when you just miss two shots in a mad scramble, or if your second shot connects, but doesn't drop them. Sadly, the latter two scenarios are way, way more common. Would …
BOSG.12.2 - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
The BOSG.12.2 is a shotgun gun featured in Rainbow Six Siege. It was introduced in the Operation White Noise expansion pack and is available for use by Dokkaebi and Vigil. Attachments
《彩虹六号异种》全干员图鉴 全干员技能和武器一览_VIGIL-游民 …
2022年1月19日 · VIGIL的技能为干扰器,在干扰器开启期间,古菌将无法侦测到VIGIL的位置。 但干扰器的作用是当VIGIL脱离古菌视野后,使其无法重新找到自己,而非直接在古菌面前隐身,如果持续停留在古菌视野中同样会被发现。 VIGIL有3种主要武器可以使用。 一把与便携突击步枪配置相似、口径相同的冲锋枪。 中距离射击十分精准。 中折式立双霞弹枪。 射程较长,适用战术配备。 经典强力的.308战斗步枪,具备轻便且较短的枪身。 在长距离战斗中有效,在短距离也有着 …