Viking age axe tutorial - History - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2010年9月29日 · I've spent the last month or so with Jeff Pringle doing some trials on Viking age axe forging. The first of these I posted on the New Work forum about a week ago. In my second and later tries I recorded the processes in pictures as well as I could. I would like to offer the following pictorial se...
Viking Axe & long handles / why? - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2014年2月27日 · Viking-age fighters used every part of the weapon, and not only is the edge of the axe a useful tool in combat, so is the hammer, the horns, the haft, and the butt.
viking axe eye shape/handle attachment - Design and Critique ...
2014年2月3日 · basically i was wondering whether wrapped and welded viking axes had tapered eyes like tomahawks/pickaxes etc, or were mounted more like modern axes/hammers etc, or had some other arrangement, and more generally what would be a good size/shape to make a drift for making axes? any advice would be ...
Are these really "viking" axes? - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2011年6月6日 · For comparing to Petersen’s types, here is a set of axes from 9th to 13th century Russia (Kolcin ’53), some are the same as Petersen’s Scandinavian designs. You could probably earn a degree in archaeometallurgy figuring out if they are imports or an axe model that was loved and made all over the Viking world. Jomsvikingar Raða Ja!
Viking age axe tutorial - Page 8 - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2010年9月29日 · In this tutorial the axe body will be formed from a piece of hot rolled mild steel which is 0.75” x 2.5” x 4.5” (on the mid-line) and weighs 1070 grams. I think of it as a proxy for a compact chunk of bloom that a Viking blacksmith might have started an axe with. Note that the square card is marked with a 1” grid (black lines).
WIP Rail Spike Viking "Axe" - bladesmithsforum.com
2013年9月27日 · WIP Rail Spike Viking "Axe" rail spike viking tomahawk By Josh A Weston September 27, 2013 in Design and Critique Share Followers 0
1st Forging Trial for a Bearded Viking Axe - Bladesmith's Forum …
2010年9月24日 · I haven't shown any work on this Forum save for a few pieces when Jeff Pringle interviewed me in 2008, though I've long admired the postings here. I have been looking at Viking age axes and swords with Jeff for a few years and have been interested in the forging of axes since my blacksmithing app...
Thinking of making an Epic Viking Axe - Design and Critique ...
2013年11月7日 · With reguards to the transitions of the axe head, one thing you will note on viking axes is they have very gracefull curves with very few angles that do not go into another curve.
Viking age axe tutorial - Page 3 - Bladesmith's Forum Board
2010年9月29日 · Viking age axe tutorial By jim austin September 29, 2010 in History Share Followers 2 Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next Page 3 of 9
Viking Axe & long handles / why? - Page 2 - History - Bladesmith's ...
2014年2月27日 · These are quite a bit different than "viking" axes, of course. BUT the surviving originals have four foot long handles, usually curved oddly, and always intricately chip-carved, see below for a bad photo of a bad photo I took at Tom's axe class two years ago. All respect to all.