更好的使用 Vim的标签(Tab)和 Alt映射功能 - 知乎专栏
最简单的是设置 <leader>0-9 来快速切换tab(默认leader是反斜杠,即先按下\键,再按数字键),不管终端还是GVIM都兼容: 其次,GVIM/ MacVim 下设置 ALT-0-9 来切换TAB(GVim/MacVim可以直接映射ALT): 或者在 MacVim 下还可以用 CMD_0-9 快速切换,按着更舒服: 这下很舒服了,和大部分主流编辑器一样切换tab十分轻松。 那终端下 alt没法很好的映射怎么办呢? 终端下映射 ALT-0-9 快速切换标签.
Ch 16 - 标签 · VIM 操作手册 - kilvn
2021年10月12日 · 对于 ./tags,Vim 会在当前文件所在路径查找所有标签;对于 tags,Vim 会在当前目录(您的项目根路径)中查找。 此外,对于 ./tags ,Vim 会在当前文件所在路径内查找一个标签文件,无论它被嵌套得有多深。
VIM-美化你的标签栏 - 溟漓 - 博客园
2018年11月9日 · vim的标签栏是一个比较有用的功能,我们可以通过gt和gT快捷键前后切换标签页,也可以用数字+gt的方式,快速跳转到某个标签页,但是默认的标签栏上标签序号并没有显示出来,在标签页较多的时候,想要通过数字+gt的方式迅速跳转时,就不是很方便了。
Vim: change label for specific tab - Super User
2014年2月13日 · If you are using vim in a terminal, not gvim, then you have to set the 'tabline' option instead of 'guitablable'. This is a little more complicated, since you need a single expression that includes labels for all the open tabs. There …
Vim: tabpage.txt - Vim: help
Usually you will see a list of labels at the top of the Vim window, one for each tab page. With the mouse you can click on the label to jump to that tab page. There are other ways to move between tab pages, see below. Most commands work only in the current tab page.
tabbed user interface - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
2019年9月16日 · There are two tablines in Vim: a "regular" tabline, and a GUI tabline. If you're running GVim and guioptions contains e (this is the default) then the GUI tabline is used. Tweaking the GUI tabline is pretty straightforward:" use t:TabLabel if set; otherwise use the defaults let &guitablabel='%{get(t:,"TabLabel","")}' And then set the labels with:
vi / vim - how to set the tab label/title length to a fixed size in ...
2009年1月28日 · You can do this pretty nicely for gvim with the setting 'guitablabel'. Here's an excerpt from my .gvimrc, which modifies the default to only show up to 12 characters of the filename, but keeps the '+' for modified buffers. The tooltip is left unmodified, so you can get the full path from that or by pressing Ctrl-G in command mode.
GitHub - folke/flash.nvim: Navigate your code with search labels ...
flash.nvim lets you navigate your code with search labels, enhanced character motions, and Treesitter integration. 🔍 Search Integration: integrate flash.nvim with your regular search using / or ?. Labels appear next to the matches, allowing you to quickly jump to any location.
How do you edit tab labels per tab in GVim? - Stack Overflow
2010年4月7日 · How do you edit a tab label, per tab, in GVim? You can do this: set guitablabel=foo But that will set every tab's label to "foo". The documentation seems to suggest using a t:var, like this: l...
How to customize the name of each tab in Vim/NeoVim?
2021年4月11日 · I have patched my own nerd-font and I want those cool icons for each file-type to be shown in the name of tab in Vim/NeoVim. I guess this can be done easily like I have customized my zsh command prompt as shown below with one line. But I don't know how to do that, and I have searched many projects/plugins on GitHub but it feels like this can be ...