VIO L210 active line array system - dBTechnologies
VIO L210's premium low-freq transducers, positioned in a V form and sealed in a bass reflex wooden enclosure, have been custom designed to improve efficiency and to last in high stress conditions, providing an accurate transient response and an extended low-end reproduction.
tions Description As a result of many years’ experience developing solutions for powered line array systems, VIO L210 reaches the next level among dBTechnologies’ speaker range aimed at larger sound reinforc.
dB Technologies VIO L210 | 2-Way Active Line Array Module
dB Technologies VIO L210 The db Technologies VIO L208 is a 2-way active line array system equipped with 2X8” neodymium woofers and 1X1.4” neodymium compression driver (2.5” voice coil). The transducers are positioned behind an all-in-one panel which acts as a …
dB Technologies VIO L210 Line Array System 12x boxes, 2x
VIO L210's premium low-freq transducers, positioned in a V form and sealed in a bass reflex wooden enclosure, have been custom designed to improve efficiency and to last in high stress conditions, providing an accurate transient response and an extended low-end reproduction.
VIO L210 - 阵列扩声音箱 - 传新科技有限公司 - DMT.PRO
VIO L210是dBT专为中型巡演扩声应用而设计的全频线阵列音箱,能同时提供强大的输出能力和优化的覆盖范围。 轻巧、紧凑的双10寸线阵列音箱,却拥有线性的声音与足够声压级。
dB Technologies VIO L210 W | 2-Way Active Line Array Module
The db Technologies VIO L210 loudspeaker is designed to provide a range aimed at larger sound reinforcement applications. This speaker delivers outstanding performances in terms of sound pressure, coverage coherence, intelligibility, and sound definition using a unique internal acoustic design and advanced sound processing.
VIO L210 - dBTechnologies
VIO L210 ist aus solidem Multiplex Schichtholz gefertigt und mit besonders widerstandsfähigem, schwarzem Polyurea-Struckturlack versehen. Das schwarze Frontgitter ist unaufdringlich, schützt die Komponenten durch seine mechanisch Stabilität sowie durch den hinterlegten Akustikschaumstoff vor Regen.
dB Technologies VIO L210 (2-way Line Array System)
One single 3” voice coil compression driver (1.4” exit throat) accurately delivers high frequencies. A brand new waveguide contributes to create a cylindrical wavefront, allowing a very precise high-frequency directivity control, much to the advantage of the system’s throw distance.
dBTechnologies VIO L210 User Manual - Read Online
dBTechnologies VIO L210 is a powerful and versatile 2-way active line-array module ideal for medium to large indoor and outdoor live sound applications. This line array delivers exceptional sound with a fast and easy setup, offering a compact design and optimized acoustic and electronic solutions.
- [PDF]
VIO L210 ...
都内置900W RMS 的Digipro G3高能效D类功放,能让系统达到最高135 dB SPL。高效率是VIO L21. 的主要特性:一路16A 230V供电就能连接驱动多达6只线阵列音箱模组。 �. 放还有电压自适应电路,采用PowerCon TRUE1规格的防水电源插头供电。 因为使用了带FIR滤�. 器的先进声音处理,即使是远距离都能保持声音完美的覆盖一致性。前置放大器模块在信号输入级�. 字光学隔离电路,这使得系统能有效隔离所有外�. 干扰。 板载EQ控制 VIO L210提供双旋钮方式给用户做系统手动 …