Lee Chaolan/Violet - Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Guide - IGN
2014年1月4日 · Lee is a playable character in the non-canonical Tekken game. He will retain his moveset from Tekken 6 plus few moves added to them with a network of team.
《鐵拳TT2》家用版新角色釋出 - hth的創作 - 巴哈姆特
《鐵拳TT2》家用版今日更新,釋出 Dr. Boskonovitch、 Unknown、Violet 三位角色,而之前預約特典的四位角色 Ancient Ogre、Angel,、Michelle Chang、Kunimitsu 及泳裝也一齊釋出,這些全是免費的。 在登入 PSN 或 XBOX LIVE 帳號的狀態下,進入遊戲就會自動更新。
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Character Introduction (Violet) HD
TTT2 - character introduction violet The fight between - Violet & Lee Vs combotGreat combo with tag team (teamwork)DLC character for consolesThis game Availa...
Fight Lab - Tekken Wiki
Violet, CEO of Violet Systems has just completed a new model of Combot, the Super Combot DX, in his research lab in Brazil. He is on a video call to his secretary when he accidentally detonates the robot, instead of saving his progress. The Super Combot DX explodes, causing the lab to …
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Combot completes five tests, aided through the tasks by Violet and his secretary. After completing these, Violet kidnaps Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima and Heihachi Mishima for Combot's final test.
TTT2 - Differences Between Lee + Violet - YouTube
Follow me on these platforms!Twitter - https://twitter.com/Fergus_TKTwitch - https://www.twitch.tv/fergus2k8Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fergus2k8/P...
铁拳TT2全人物及关系介绍 - k73游戏之家
2014年10月31日 · 由日本Namco Bandai Games公司预定于2012年秋季发售推出的人气对战格斗游戏《铁拳》系列最新作《铁拳TT 2》(Tekken Tag Tournament 2)近日公开了最新情报画面。 本作采用一名玩家操作两名角色组成的双人小队来进行对战,并收录系列史上最多50名角色登场,加上高战略性的对战风格等特点而备受好评的同名大型机台对战格斗游戏给移植到PS3/Xbox 360家用主机上重新推出的移植新作。
《铁拳TT2》免费DLC揭露 隐藏角色和全新舞台 - 游侠网
2012年9月20日 · 《铁拳TT2》中将获得到一个免费的DLC。 从10月9日开始,内容包含本月初期被泄露的免费角色和新的舞台。 免费的角色主要有Dr. Bosconovitch,Slim Bob,Miharu,Sebastian,Violet和the super-cheap end boss Unknown。 玩家也可以期待新的舞台,例如Russia,Chile,Saudi Arabia和Magic Show。
Violet TFT - Build / BiS Items / Comps - Set 13 - Mobalytics
Learn everything about Violet in TFT Set 13 - best in slot items, stats & recommended team comps. Step up your TFT game with Mobalytics!
DACs Archives - Violet Hifi
by Violet HiFi | Sep 13, 2023 | DACs, HiFi Components The Chord Hugo TT 2 DAC, designed by Chief Designer John Franks, is a testament to the pursuit and journey of high-end audio.