Visualization in Participatory Programs: A Manual for …
2021年9月30日 · Visualization in Participatory Programs, or VIPP, is a people centered approach to planning, training and other group events. Based on a philosophy of trusting in the capacities and creativity of human beings, it combines techniques of visualization with methods for interactive learning.
VIPP1 Card Collection and Clustering is a facilitated process that involves the use of cards to quickly gather and organize ideas from a group of people. It is especially useful in situations where you expect to get a diverse range of answers or inputs, or for addressing potentially sensitive issues in a way that is both safe and equitable.
VIPP Card Collection and Clustering | Knowledge
VIPP1 Card Collection and Clustering is a facilitated process that involves the use of cards to quickly gather and organize ideas from a group of people. It is especially useful in situations where you expect to get a diverse range of answers or inputs, or for addressing potentially sensitive issues in a way that is both safe and equitable.
2012年11月28日 · Visualisation in Participatory Programme (VIPP) is an approach that have been adopted by us in our capacity building programmes for adults. It helps build...
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Training Manual for
helps groups visualize collective ideas by writing them down on cards and papers of different sizes and colors and placing them on pinboards or walls in the training room. We use the VIPP cards so that at the end of the workshop each research team has a concrete idea of
VIPP Card Collection and Clustering | Knowledge Management
VIPP1 Card Collection and Clustering is a facilitated process that involves the use of cards to quickly gather and organize ideas from a group of people. It is especially useful in situations where you expect to get a diverse range of answers or inputs, or for addressing potentially sensitive issues in a way that is both safe and equitable.
VIPP_Unicef - Flip eBook Pages 51-100 | AnyFlip
2022年12月20日 · THE BASICS OF VIPP. VIPP Pinning cards materials and their Pinning cards to the board is a skill in itself. Pins should be long enough to use hold cards in place (two types are illustrated below). The facilitator can also use a tailor's pin cushion for ease in accessing pins. Do not overlap cards when pinning.
VIPP-Method (P).ppt.pptx - SlideShare
2023年5月16日 · VIPP is a participatory approach to planning, training, and other group events. It combines visualization techniques with interactive learning methods to democratize interaction between people. The core of VIPP involves using colored paper cards to express ideas visually that can be seen by the whole group.
interactive learning. VIPP methods democratize the interaction between people. Although many people may be familiar with participatory methods, this method is different. At the core of VIPP is the use of a large number of multi-coloured paper cards of different shapes and sizes on which the participants express their main ideas in
In our VIPP method, we employed experiential learning strategy whereby participants' experiences and knowledge are exchanged and shared among the group with the