VTAPX vs VIPSX - Bogleheads.org
2022年5月21日 · VTAPX is short term and VIPSX is intermediate term. VTAPX is less affected by interest rate changes compared to VIPSX, but pays less interest, which you can see by looking at 3,5,10 year returns. Interest rates have spiked up year-to-date causing VIPSX to drop more than VTAPX. VIPSX is more appropriate if this is a long term holding.
vipsx (TIPS fund) - Bogleheads.org
2024年4月29日 · VIPSX, blue. The plain old Vanguard Total Bond, red. Stocks, yellow. It lost money because the effects from the interest rate rise were larger than the effect of the inflation indexing. Vanguard's web page description of VIPSX notes that it has an average duration of 6.7 years. The duration can be taken as a rough indication of an appropriate ...
VIPSX when to sell - Bogleheads.org
2008年12月26日 · VIPSX is a mutual fund. You can chart the NAV (share price) of VIPSX anytime you have access to the internet with a computer. So you can see when VIPSX has lost money (buy in March 2008; sell in Oct 2009) and when it has made money (buy in July 2007; sell in March of 2008. buy in Nov 2009).
Is VTIP better than VIPSX? [Short-Term vs. (longer) TIPS]
2013年5月16日 · VIPSX is not in the abstract good or bad or good to be in now or bad to be in now or whatever. The question is what makes sense for your particular purposes, in your personal financial situation, and when taking into consideration the role of VIPSX or another bond fund in your portfolio as a whole, not in insolation (which essentially is a ...
YTD VIPSX (Tips fund) vs VFIIX (gnma) - Bogleheads.org
2022年7月1日 · The inflation adjustment is overwhelmed by the depression of NAV when real interest rates rise. The real duration of VIPSX is about 7 years and the real yield at about that term has increased from a low of about -2% in the middle of 2021 to about 0.5% now. Just roughly a delta of 2.5% on a duration of 7 years depresses NAV by 17.5%.
Is it time to sell VBTLX, or move to VIPSX? - Bogleheads.org
2021年3月27日 · 1) Moving VBTLX into an inflation-protected fund like VIPSX. 2) Moving VBTLX into my VTSAX and only having VTSAX in my Roth for the time being. 3) Selling VBTLX and parking the cash either in a Certificate, HYSA, etc... 4) Moving VBTLX (and possibly VTSAX) into a single Target Retirement date plan.
Do you have any TIPS (e.g. VIPSX) in your portfolio?
2010年11月11日 · 26% of Bonds allocated to TIPS and I-Bonds (7% VIPSX, 7% Individual TIP and 12% I-Bonds), 41% G Fund, 24% Total Bond Mkt Index Admiral, and 9% Ltd-Term Tax-Exempt Admiral. I'm a proud Boglehead and subscribe to the Boglehead philosophy.
Naive for buying VIPSX - Bogleheads.org
2008年11月11日 · Your VIPSX is on a steady upward climb that will match inflation plus a slowly varying real rate. You need to be expect some fluctuations above and below that climb, but they're not big enough to matter much if you let five or ten years elapse between buying and selling, or if you're buying or selling in small steady increments.
VIPSX - Bogleheads.org
2009年12月4日 · VIPSX. Discuss all general (i.e. non-personal) investing questions and issues, investing news, and theory. ...
tax efficient help with VGSIX and VIPSX - Bogleheads.org
2014年8月11日 · So,I hold both VIPSX (Vangaurd Inflation Protected Securities Intermediate Bond Fund) and VGSIX (Vanguard REIT Fund). The question is how do I continue to hold these 2 funds in a different more advantageous tax account. I have no idea how to do this. I would like to continue to own each index fund. (I have a Fed Govt TSP fund if that matters).