Virkon S powder, 1 kg disinfectant from Dupont with …
Virkon S powder, 1 kg is a wide-spectrum virucidal disinfectant for veterinary use. It is acknowledged worldwide as a leading product for animal disease treatment and prevention.
Disinfectant Virkon S powder, 1 kg - Nexles USA
Virkon S powder is the ideal protection for pets and vets, ideal for the control of equine, pig and poultry diseases and offers essential protection for first responders in emergency disease outbreaks. - Rapid speed of kill. - For terminal routine disinfection, for all surfaces, earth, wood, and concrete. Check the Application Dilution Table.
Virkon S - 1kg - Dalton Supplies
Virkon™ S is the breakthrough disinfectant formulation that defines on farm biosecurity. With powerful, proven performance against over 500 strains of viruses, bacteria and fungi including Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Avian Influenza, Salmonella and Campylobacter.
Virkon S 1kg Disinfectant Powder - Meditech
Powerful broad spectrum virucidal disinfectant. Used for sanitation of the loft at a rate of 25g per gallon of water. Also can be used in the drinkers at the rate of 1/4 teaspoon to a gallon of …
Virkon S 1Kg - vetshop.gr
Virkon S 1Kg. Application areas: For disinfection in areas where animals stay, such as piggeries, cattle sheds, poultry farms, fish farms, equipment in farms and hatcheries, the water supply network and the drainage network. Dilution rates. Select the appropriate amount of final volume of solution at the corresponding dilution.
Virkon™S disinfection - 1kg
Virkon S is the only disinfectant proven effective against all 18 known types of viruses in humans and animals, all pathogenic bacteria commonly encountered in livestock and domestic animals, all major bacteria in the food sector such as Salmonella, Listeria, and Campylobacter, all pathogenic fungi such as ringworm, Aspergillus, and Candida ...
Virkon S pulbere, cutie 1 kg, dezinfectant Dupont | PCE
Virkon S combina flexibilitatea mare de aplicare si spectrul larg de actiune cu eficacitatea impotriva virusurilor, bacteriilor si fungilor la temperaturi scazute, in apa dura, pe suprafete poroase si in prezenta materiei organice. Substanta activa: 50% Pentapotassium.
- 评论数: 8
Dezinfectant concenctrat virucid bactericid fungicid, inclusiv pesta ...
Virkon S combina flexibilitatea mare de aplicare si spectrul larg de actiune cu eficacitatea impotriva virusurilor, bacteriilor si fungilor la temperaturi scazute, in apa dura, pe suprafete poroase si in prezenta materiei organice. Substanta activa: 50% Pentapotassium.
Virkon S – 1 Kg - 1 Kg - Produse Pentru Porumbei
Virkon S este singurul dezinfectant eficient dovedit împotriva tuturor celor 18 tipuri de virusuri cunoscute la om și animale, toate bacteriile patologice întâlnite în mod obișnuit la animale și animale domestice, toate bacteriile importante din sectorul alimentar precum salmonella, listeria și Campylobacter, toate micozele patogene ...
Vercon S 1 kg | Shopivet
Vircon S is a disinfectant for hard surfaces in animal production and transportation facilities. Provides 99.99% kill for many pathogens, including 31 bacterial strains, 58 viruses, and 6 fungi with no evidence of resistance, eliminating the need to …