Virkon | Vetoquinol
Virkon® is a disinfectant possessing broad-spectrum virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal activity. The effectiveness of Virkon® is further enhanced by its excellent detergent properties, so that clean, disease-free surfaces can be achieved.
Virkon 衛康 消毒粉 50g | LiveSmart營康薈
多次經權威機構實驗,證實衛康 (Rely+OnTM Virkon”) 的廣譜功效能在10分鐘內消滅100 種病毒、殺掉400 種細菌及60 種真菌和酵母菌,包括:冠狀病毒科 (Coronaviridae)、腸病毒 (Enterovirus)、 小兒麻痺病毒 (Poliovirus)、手足口病毒 (Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Virus)、乙型肝炎病毒 ...
Virkon S Sachets Disinfectant 50 x 50g sachets - AFS
Virkon S sachets are convenient, pre-measured 50g doses of the DEFRA approved, powdered disinfectant – one of the UK’s most popular. Lanxess Virkon S sachets (formerly known as DuPont), dissolve the contents of one Virkon S 50g sachet in 5 …
Virkon S | 50 x 50g Sachets - Dalton Engineering
Virkon™ S is the breakthrough disinfectant formulation that defines on farm biosecurity. With powerful, proven performance against over 500 strains of viruses, bacteria and fungi including Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Avian Influenza, Salmonella and Campylobacter.
Virkon S - Ranvet
Complete disease control for hard surface and aerial disinfection. Powerful disinfectant independently proven effective against all virus families affecting man and animals. Non …
Virkon S - Virkon 衛康消毒粉 (50g) 此日期前最佳:2027年 5月 …
多次經權威機構實驗,證實衛康 (Rely+OnTM Virkon") 的廣譜功效能在10分鐘內消滅100 種病毒、殺掉400 種細菌及60 種真菌和酵母菌,包括:冠狀病毒科 (Coronaviridae)、腸病毒 (Enterovirus)、 小兒麻痺病毒 (Poliovirus)、手足口病毒 (Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Virus)、乙型肝炎病毒 ...
Virkon S 50g - Comvet Animal Health
Virkon S is a powerful broad-spectrum virucidal disinfectant which remains highly effective in cold temperatures and in the presence of organic challenge. Proven efficacy against Newcastle Disease in 15 seconds, Avian Influenza H7N9 in 15 seconds, African Swine Fever in 15 seconds, Foot and Mouth Disease in 30 seconds.
Virkon Sachê 50g - Desinfetante de superfícies fixas - Micromed
Virkon Sachê 50g possui formulação única, patenteada mundialmente, que permite limpeza e desinfecção em apenas uma etapa. A solução do prduto é indicada para ser usada a 1%, …
Virkon S Disinfectant Sachet - 50g - Mole Online
Virkon S Disinfectant Sachet - 50g. Dupont Virkon S is a broad spectrum disinfectant widely tested against virus', bacteria, fungi and spores. Dilution: 10g per 1L of water. Virkon S is suitable for use in all animal environments including equine stabling and tack, poultry housing for protection against most avian diseases. It is DEFRA approved.
Dupont Virkon Disinfectant Powder Sachets - Pack of 50 - Ovilcare
Dupont Virkon Disinfectant Powder Sachets - Pack of 50 Specification • 50 g Sachets - 1 x 50g sachet makes 5 litres. • Virkon® powder is a reliable broad spectrum high level disinfectant which combines effectiveness, safety and ease of use with environmental compatibility.