Virkon – 5KG – Pharmbarn Animal Health Warehouse
Virkon™ is a disinfectant, possessing wide spectrum virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal activity. The effectiveness of Virkon™ is further enhanced by its excellent detergent properties, so that clean disease-free surfaces can be achieved.
Virkon Disinfectant Powder (Rely+On) 5kg Tub - RMSupply.co.uk
Virkon Disinfectant Powder 5kg makes up to 500 litres of Virkon solution. In an easy to transport tub. Eliminates 99.999% of microorganisms in under 10 mins.
Dupont - Virkon S Disinfectant Powder 5kg - Aston Pharma
The 5kg drum of Virkon Powder makes up approx 500 litres of Virkon Disinfectant. • Ideal for general use. • Can eliminate a wide range of viruses in one, swift cleaning action. • Built-in colour indicator of strength and use life up to five days after activation. • Unparalleled spectrum of activity, proven effective against
VIRKON S 衛可消毒劑, 5kg – 慧眾生物科技
作用快速-1%稀釋液經獨立試驗證實在5分鐘內有效殺滅真菌及細菌,在10分鐘內有效消滅小病毒。 含有大量具酸化及氧化能力之界面活性劑,可以有效破壞生物膜。 無腐蝕作用、無環境殘留 …
Virkon S - 5kg tub - Dalton Supplies
Virkon™ S is the breakthrough disinfectant formulation that defines on farm biosecurity. With powerful, proven performance against over 500 strains of viruses, bacteria and fungi including Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Avian Influenza, Salmonella and Campylobacter.
Virkon S - Ranvet
Complete disease control for hard surface and aerial disinfection. Powerful disinfectant independently proven effective against all virus families affecting man and animals. Non …
Virkon | Vetoquinol
Virkon® is a disinfectant possessing broad-spectrum virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal activity. The effectiveness of Virkon® is further enhanced by its excellent detergent properties, so that clean, disease-free surfaces can be achieved.
Virkon - 5kg - AHPD
Once diluted in a 1% solution, Virkon™ is of low toxicity, non-tainting, and non-irritant. Because of its high detergency and mode of action, Virkon™ can be used in an exceptional variety of situations for effective cleaning and virucidal disinfection in a single operation.
Disinfectant Virkon S, 5 kg - Nexles
Virkon S, 5 kg in a broad-spectrum virucide disinfectant intended for veterinary use. It is widely used by industry specialists to control animal diseases thanks to its high application flexibility and efficient control of a wide range of viruses, fungi, and bacteria, even in low-temperature environments, on spongy surfaces, or in the presence ...
Virkon S Disinfectant 5kg - Mole Online
Dupont Virkon S is a broad spectrum disinfectant widely tested against virus', bacteria, fungi and spores. 1L will make 100L of diluted product. Virkon S is suitable for use in all animal environments including equine stabling and tack, poultry housing for …
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