Virkon | Vetoquinol
Virkon® is a disinfectant possessing broad-spectrum virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal activity. The effectiveness of Virkon® is further enhanced by its excellent detergent properties, so that …
Virkon S Disinfectant – 10kg Tub - Collins Nets
Virkon S Disinfectant is the leading brand pink powder disinfectant formulation that defines biosecurity. It provides powerful, proven performance against over 500 strains of viruses, …
Virkon S Disinfectant for Farms or Animal environments | Virkon ...
Leading the way forward in best practice biosecurity programmes, Virkon® S provides a wide range of applications to commercial livestock producers, poultry farmers, veterinary hospitals …
Virkon™ | Vetoquinol Canada
Maintains efficacy at low temperatures - successfully tested at 4°C. Pink colour indicator when mixed - solution turns white when activity is lost (after ~ 7 days) Mild lemon scent, easy …
Virkon S - Ranvet
Complete disease control for hard surface and aerial disinfection. Powerful disinfectant independently proven effective against all virus families affecting man and animals. Non …
Virkon - chemeurope.com
The pink colour is useful in that in helps gauge the concentration when preparing the Virkon, and importantly, as the Virkon ages it discolours, making it obvious when it needs to be replaced. …
Virkon Disinfectant Singapore - Pharmacon
Virkon is effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses, including Hepatitis A, B & C, HIV, MRSA, Influenza A virus, E. coli (ESBL), Klebsiella pneumonia (ESBL), Cocksackie Virus (Hand-foot …
VIRKON TABLETS (50) - Farmers Depot
The readily soluble effervescent tablet fully dissolves in lukewarm water in 3 to 4 minutes, giving a clear pink solution. VIRKON® consists mainly of inorganic salts.
Virkon - wikidoc
The pink colour is useful in that in helps gauge the concentration when preparing the Virkon, and importantly, as the Virkon ages it discolours, making it obvious when it needs to be replaced. …
Virkon® - cliniqueveterinairerdp.ca
Kills a large number of viruses, bacteria and mushrooms without staining*. It is used to clean and disinfect veterinary hospitals, animal shelters as well as non-critical medical instruments and …