The Vis 35 Radom: Poland's Pistol - Guns and Ammo
2015年11月9日 · The Vis 35, or Radom, proved itself one of the top 9mm service autos of World War II. One of the first orders of business was to get the military going again. Though many non-endemic arms were adopted by Polish forces out of necessity, arms design did continue apace, resulting in one of the best auto pistols of all time, the Vis 35 Radom.
FB Vis - Wikipedia
The Vis (Polish designation pistolet wz. 35 Vis; German designation 9 mm Pistole 35 (p), or simply the Radom in some English sources and Vis wz. 35 in Poland) is a Polish 9×19mm caliber, single-action, semi-automatic pistol.
拉多姆1935式手枪 - 百度百科
拉多姆1935式手枪是波兰研制的柯尔特-勃朗宁手枪的变型枪。 这种帕拉贝鲁姆9mm口径手枪被称为拉多姆或Vis M35式。在第二次世界大战期间,它是波兰的军用手枪,做工精美,套筒上有一只鹰和波兰标记。
Exploded View: Vis 35 'Radom' Pistol - American Rifleman
2016年8月5日 · Widely acclaimed as one of the best quality sidearms produced before World War II, the Vis 35 (or Radom, as it is commonly known—the name coming from the factory where it was made) was the third...
Radom Vis 35 9mm Pistol: Polish-Designed and Manufactured …
2022年11月10日 · The Random Vis 35 9mm single-stack, all-steel handgun was designed and manufactured in Poland so that the newly independent country would never again be dependant on another nation for its small-arms production.
The Untold Story Of The Radom Pistol Under German Occupation
2016年8月31日 · The Vis wz.35 pistol, better known simply as the Radom, was adopted by the Polish army just before World War II. After Germany invaded in September 1939, the Nazis took over the pistol’s factory.
Radom Pistols From World War 2. Shop VIS Radom P.35 …
Buy authentic Polish Eagle VIS Radom P.35 pistols as well as WW2 wartime production Radom pistols. We guarantee the authenticity of our items and stand by our fair pricing.
Pistolet Vis wz. 35 – Wikipedia
Die Vis (offiziell Pistolet Vis wz. 35 bzw. Pistole 35(p) auch bekannt als Radom -Pistole ) war eine Selbstladepistole polnischer Herkunft im Kaliber 9 mm Parabellum . Sie diente vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg als Standard- Ordonnanzwaffe der Streitkräfte Polens .
Unsung Collectible WWII 9mm Pistol: The Radom VIS 35
2022年8月19日 · Developed for the growing Polish Army in the 1930s, the phenomenal Radom VIS P.35 pistol was homegrown and well-traveled during World War II.
RIA: Radom’s Vis 35: Poland’s Excellent Automatic Pistol
2016年2月9日 · The Vis 35 is one of the best automatic pistols of WWII in terms of both handling and quality. In total 46,000 were made pre-war for Poland’s military, and German occupation forces built another 300,000+ during the war.