Vitamin K1: Package Insert / Prescribing Info - Drugs.com
2024年12月12日 · Vitamin K 1 Injection (Phytonadione Injectable Emulsion, USP) is a yellow, sterile, nonpyrogenic aqueous dispersion available for injection by the intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous routes. Each milliliter contains phytonadione 2 or 10 mg, polyoxyethylated fatty acid derivative 70 mg, dextrose, hydrous 37.5 mg in water for injection ...
Vitamin K1 Injection: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions ... - WebMD
Vitamin K helps to treat and prevent unusual bleeding by increasing the body's production of blood clotting factors. This medication is given by injection under the skin or into a muscle or...
Vitamin K1 Dosage Guide - Drugs.com
2024年12月6日 · Vitamin K 1 Injection 1 mg should be given either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Higher doses may be necessary if the mother has been receiving oral anticoagulants. Whole blood or component therapy may be indicated if bleeding is excessive.
Vit K 1mg Injection
2025年2月11日 · Vit K 1mg Injection is a synthetic form of vitamin K. It restores the activity of vitamin K and speeds up the normal blood clotting process to prevent or treat bleeding caused due to too high a dose of warfarin.
Vitamin K1 (Hospira, Inc.): FDA Package Insert - MedLibrary.org
2024年12月6日 · Vitamin K 1 Injection (Phytonadione Injectable Emulsion, USP) is a yellow, sterile, nonpyrogenic aqueous dispersion available for injection by the intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous routes.
藥品資料 - csh.org.tw
1.預防及控制新生兒出血:一出生即肌肉注射1~2mg,必要時可增加。 2.預防新生兒低凝血酶原血症:預期分娩1至2星期前對母體每天肌肉注射 10mg,或必要時於分娩開始慢慢靜脈注射 1~2mg。 3.抗凝血藥之拮抗:為回復過低凝血酶原水準,開始時肌肉注射 5~10mg,如有必要可增加到 20mg。 4.控制出血:嚴重場合慢慢靜脈注射 10~15mg (每分鐘不得超過 1mg)。 5.外科手術時預防低凝血酶原引起之流血過多:手術前每天肌肉注射 25~50mg (在任一注射部位不要超過 …
의약품 상세정보 - 약학정보원
비타민 K의 합성 또는 흡수제한으로 인하여 2차적으로 발생되는 저프로트롬빈혈증. 1. 신생아 출혈성질환의 예방. 출생 1시간 이내에 피토나디온으로서 0.5~1mg을 단회 근육주사 한다. 2. 신생아 출혈성질환의 치료. 이 약으로서 1 mg을 근육 또는 피하주사 한다. 모체가 항응고제를 투여하는 경우에는 고용량이 요구될 수 있다. 3. 항응고제 유도성 프로트롬빈 결핍증. 1) 성인 : 초회 이 약으로서 2.5~10mg 또는 최대 25mg까지 투여, 드물게 50 mg이 사용되는 경우도 있다. 필요 시, …
phytonadione (vitamin K1) 1 mg/0.5 mL injection syringe
Vitamin K helps to treat and prevent unusual bleeding by increasing the body's production of blood clotting factors. This medication is given by injection under the skin or into a muscle or vein as directed by your doctor.
NC02789209 | 藥品資訊 | 就醫指南 | 天主教耕莘醫療財團法人耕莘 …
低凝血酶元血症、新生兒之出血症狀、手術時之過多出血之預防及治療、維生素k吸收之障礙及缺乏維生素k所引起之諸症。 藥理作用 止血,與抗凝血藥拮抗,補充維生素K。
KONAKION contains the active ingredient phytomenadione, which is also called vitamin K 1. KONAKION belongs to a group of medicines called haemostatic agents, meaning they assist with blood clotting problems. KONAKION is used to prevent or treat blood clotting problems and works by reversing some of the causes of excessive bleeding.
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