ALFA - vitap.it
Alfa is one of our semi-automatic boring machines designed for small and medium production. Equipped with 21 spindles, it is a universal machine for panel and solid wood drilling with a …
video Vitap ALFA boring machine - YouTube
Vitap ALFA semiautomatic boring machine with 21 -- 27 or 35 spindles for small and medium batches production. Save space Save money.
Vitap Alfa21C Boring Machine | Woodworking Machinery
Vitap Alfa21C Boring Machine – CONTACT US FOR UPDATED PRICING AND AVAILABILITY. Intelligent and reliable boring for your small or medium business. Boring unit with 21 spindle …
Standard Drills—Alfa Series - Atlantic Machinery Corporation
Standard Drills—Alfa Series Vitap's semi-automatic boring machines with 21, 27, or 35 spindles for small and medium batch production. These machines have 1 tilting head for horizontal or …
Vitap | Kolíkovačky ALFA CLASSIC
Kolíkovací a vrtací stroje VITAP ALFA. V cenách od 109.000,- kč dle provedení a specifikace na přání zákazníka. Inteligentní a spolehlivé vrtání pro váš malý nebo střední podnik, podpořené …
Vitap | Alfa — Centex Automation
Alfa is one of our semi-automatic boring machines designed for small and medium production. Equipped with 21 spindles is a universal machine for boring the panel and solid wood with a …
Alfa 21 - Simco UAE
The Vitap Alfa 21 is a semi-automatic boring machine designed for small to medium batch production. Featuring advanced technology since 1954, this machine is perfect for …
Used Vitap Alfa 21 for sale. Vitap equipment & more | Machinio
Peg machine VITAP ALFA CLASSIC 21. new. Manufacturer: Vitap; Model: Alfa 21; ALFA CLASSIC 21 is a semi-automatic doweling and boring machine intended for small and medium …
Vitap Alfa Multi-Borers | Vitap | Drilling & Assembly - NEY
The Alfa range of machines is the entry level semi automatic range of multi-borers from Vitap. With their simple format and structure they are ideal for small to medium size manufacturers. …
Used Vitap Alfa for sale. Vitap equipment & more | Machinio
Doweling machine VITAP ALFA CLASSIC 27T. new. Manufacturer: Vitap; Model: Alfa; ALFA 27 T is a semi-automatic doweling and boring machine intended for small and medium-sized …