Vitapa Marma: Anatomical Location, Effect Of Injury - Easy Ayurveda
2017年6月12日 · Vitapa Marma is located in the lower limbs, near the hip joint or groin (inguinal fold, thigh fold or in the angle between the thigh and the scrotum i.e. the bag like structure which holds the testes). It is exactly located between the Vrushana (testes) and Vankshana (groin).
An applied Aspect of Vitap Marma w.s.r. to Vasectomy
Its meaning is branch of tree or bush or new seed or covering of sestis. The Vitap Marma is described under Snayu Marma by Acharya Sushruta and Sira Marma by Acharya Vagbhata with dimension of 01 Angula. The traumatic effect that occurs is infertility or deformities in spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
A conceptual review on Vitap Marma - ResearchGate
2023年12月9日 · The term Marma (vital point) is defined as “Maryanti iti Marmani” that spot when injured kills the person. The Vitap Marma is considered as Snayu Marma by Acharya Sushruta and Sira Marma by...
Dr. Ghanekar interpreted Vitap marma at the site of inguinal canal and its content i.e spermatic cord. The injury in this region may produce obstructive pathology in vasdeferens or the vascular damage may cause indirect effect in entire reproductive scenario; …
Concept of Vitapa Marma- A Conceptual Review Article
2019年3月10日 · Vitapa is Adhoshakagata Vaikalyakara Marma of 1 Anguli Pramana. Sushruta opinion Vitapa as Snayu Marma whereas Vagbhata mention it as Sira Marma. Its location, Pramana, structural component and...
Vitap Marma is Vaikalyakara Marma. It lies between Vrishna (testes) and Vankshan (groin). According to modern Anatomy, the Inguinal canal is there through which the Spermatic cord present passes to come into the abdomen to take the …
2021年12月16日 · Marma is a vital point of the body where trauma or injury may cause a various range of signs and symptoms from Ruja (pain) to even death. Ayurvedic Acharya’s has explained 107 Marma” that are...
A conceptual review on Vitap Marma | Journal of Ayurveda and …
2001年2月20日 · The term Marma (vital point) is defined as “Maryanti iti Marmani” that spot when injured kills the person. The Vitap Marma is considered as Snayu Marma by Acharya Sushruta and Sira Marma by Acharya Vagbhata with dimension of one Angula. The effect of injury in Vitap Marma is infertility or deformities in spermatogenesis and Oogenesis.
The Essence of Vitap Marma in the Light of Contemporary Science
The Vitap marma is Adhoshakhagata, Vaikalyakara marma of 1 Anguli Pramana. Gross mention is made of its position, structural elements, and viddha lakshana. According to the Acharyas,any injury on the Vitap marma leads to Shandatva and Alpashukrata.
2022年6月3日 · The main aim & objective of this paper is to explore a scientific & therapeutic guideline of Vitap Marma & to create a better understanding of Vitap Marmaamong students, health care providers & consumers.