AS Val and VSS Vintorez - Wikipedia
Development of the VSS Vintorez was carried out in parallel with the AS Val, to provide a suppressed sniper rifle for Spetsnaz undercover or clandestine units and capable of defeating NATO body armour at ranges up to 400 m (440 yd) with little noise as possible. [11][12]
VSS(俄文:Винтовка Снайперская Специальная)特种 狙击步枪 、编号6П29、又名Vintorez螺纹剪裁机、VSS 是一种微声、几乎无发射火焰的近距离狙击步枪、使用9x39毫米弹药。 9x39毫米除了射程远之外,就算经过VSS Vintorez一体式消声器(integral sound supressor)降低 初速 之后仍然保有击穿 凯夫拉 防弹背心 的能力。 所谓一体式消声器就是消声器为枪管的一部分而非枪支的配件;一般来说消声器为“额外加装”在枪口前用来降低击发时的噪音与火焰,而一体 …
VSS Vintorez: Silenced Sniper Rifle designed for Spetsnaz
2020年8月8日 · The VSS Vintorez is a designated marksman rifle produced in the former SSSR. It is a silenced sniper weapon intended to support urban or close-quarter scenarios. The VSS Vintorez is chambered in 9 mm caliber and is still very popular among Spetsnaz (Russian Special Forces) operators.
VSS Vintorez微声狙击步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
VSS“Vintorez” (俄文为ВСС“Винторез”,中文为“绞丝机”) 其实就是 AS 的狙击型 (虽然AS实际上也被常常当作狙击步枪使用),也是中央精密机械工程研究院的P. Serdjukov小组的同时研制的。 VSS是Vinovka Snaiperskaja Spetsialnaya的缩写,即“特种狙击步枪。 VSS也可以发射SP-5普通弹,但主要是发射SP-6穿甲弹。 和AS一样,这种步枪也是为特种部队研制的,已经装备了俄罗斯的特种部队及执法机构的行动单位,也已经在独联体各地的武装冲突中广泛应用。 AS 与 …
Vintorez: 35 Years in Service - Kalashnikov Group
Vintorez sees wide use by sabotage/reconnaissance units in the special military operation, according to the Russian Ministry of Defence. Ensuring maximum stealth and concealment, this weapon enables operation behind enemy lines.
VSS Vintorez - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The VSS, also called the Vintorez, (rus. Винторез, literally "screw cutter") is a sniper rifle featuring a built-in suppressor (similar to that of the AS-Val) the weapon is loaded with heavy subsonic 9×39mm SP5 cartridges and armor-piercing SP6 cartridges. It was manufactured (created) by the Soviet company TsNIITochMash during the late 1980s.
VSS Vintorez Silenced Sniper Rifle - Military Factory
2022年3月15日 · The VSS "Vintorez" is a silenced sniper rifle that makes use of a permanent silencer assembly as well as specially-developed subsonic ammunition. The type shares …
Vintorez riffle - full review - specifications
The VSS Vintorez is a legendary sniper rifle, specifically designed for special operations forces. Its creation was a response to the growing need for a silent and effective weapon for close-quarters combat in urban environments and other confined spaces.
VSS Vintorez: Russia’s Silent Sniper Rifle - Forgotten Weapons
2023年12月11日 · The VSS (Special Sniper Rifle) Vintorez was one of two dedicated silenced rifles developed in Russia in the 1980s.
U.S made Soviet VSS Vintorez suppressed rifle
2016年11月11日 · Taking from the AS Val, a suppressed select fire rifle, the Vintorez is a long stroke gas piston operated, select fire rifle with a 6 lug rotating bolt head. Essentially it is designed for accurate suppressed fire within 400 meters.