Vivarail - Wikipedia
Vivarail was a British rolling stock manufacturer, founded in 2012 and based in Southam, Warwickshire. Vivarail's main project was the conversion of retired London Underground D78 …
Vivarail - Railroad Development Corporation
Founded in 2012, Vivarail was a pioneer in developing passenger rolling stock for urban, commuter and rural railways across Britain, based on conversion of former London subway …
Vivarail D-Train - Wikipedia
The Vivarail D-Train is a family of multiple units remanufactured by Vivarail for the British rail network. They are converted from London Underground D78 Stock, originally manufactured …
英國鐵路230型柴油列車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英國鐵路230型柴油列車 (英語: British Rail Class 230)是一款由 英國 Vivarail公司於2015年改造 倫敦地鐵D78型電動列車 而成的 柴電列車。 倫敦地鐵 於2010年起逐步汰換在旗下四條明 …
Vivarail dream over as the liquidation process begins
2023年2月16日 · Vivarail will be wound up and its remaining assets sold to pay creditors, after no rescue bids were received for the failed train manufacturer.
Vivarail, powered by Valence’s safe, proven battery modules, …
2021年10月5日 · Vivarail is a world leader in battery technology for rail applications. The company has designed and developed emission-free traction systems all based around flexible battery …
Vivarail battery and battery hybrid trains - Vivarail
Vivarail is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of emission-free battery and battery hybrid trains. Vivarail’s high-performance battery technology and Fast Charge provides almost …
Vivarail’s Patented Fast Charge Battery System a Success
2019年3月18日 · Vivarail is currently the only company in the UK that has an operational battery-powered train with a range of 60+ miles (96.5km) between charges as well as the …
GWR buys Vivarail’s battery train-linked assets - Railway Technology
2023年2月17日 · British train operating company Great Western Railway (GWR) has concluded the acquisition of multiple assets from battery and hybrid trains manufacturer Vivarail. GWR …
Fast-charging technology of Britain’s Vivarail finds buyer
2023年2月21日 · Vivarail’s patented FastCharge technology was developed using investment funding from RDC as a fast-charge system to recharge battery-equipped trains. This system …