VIVO SX7 - Dexibell
VIVO SX7 runs the most powerful operating system ever created for a musical instrument: the DEXIBELL OS 4.0 (called “AQUAVIVA”) with unique never-seen-before features. USB “Memory” port now also supports MIDI protocol meaning any keyboard, by any manufacturer, can be directly connected via USB without the presence of a computer.
Dexibell VIVO SX7 Sound Module Reviews | Sweetwater
2018年8月28日 · The VIVO SX7 sound module is powered by Dexibell's T2L (True to Life) hybrid sampling/modeling sound engine to deliver the realistic responsiveness of a real acoustic piano with virtually unlimited polyphony. T2L technology enhances the timbral accuracy and responsiveness relative to the dynamic articulation of the keyboardist.
Dexibell VIVO SX7 Sound Module – Alto Music
All of the unique benefits of DEXIBELL technology but now in the best sound module ever designed, either for desktop or rack-mounted use. In beautiful ultra-compact aluminium body, weighting only 2 kg, the VIVO SX7 offers legendary high quality acoustic and electric pianos, also found in the DEXIBELL VIVO digital piano range.
Dexibell Dexibell VIVO SX7 Sound Module - Guitar Center
The Dexibell VIVO SX7, includes all of the unique benefits of Dexibell technology but now in a convenient sound module, either for desktop or rack mounted use. In beautiful ultra compact aluminum body, weighing only 4.4 lb. Vivo SX7 includes the legendary acoustic and electric pianos that are also found in the Vivo piano range.
Dexibell VIVO SX7 Sound Module | Sweetwater
The VIVO SX7 sound module is powered by Dexibell's T2L (True to Life) hybrid sampling/modeling sound engine to deliver the realistic responsiveness of a real acoustic piano with virtually unlimited polyphony. T2L technology enhances the timbral accuracy and responsiveness relative to the dynamic articulation of the keyboardist.
Dexibell Vivo S7 电钢深度评测:旗舰型的典范该是什么样的
2018年10月1日 · 小弟面包君,很荣幸从Dexibell官方手上拿到旗舰VIVO S7这一款88键版本重锤全配重型号。 无论外观设计,质感和手感都真挚至上的一款产品,明眼人一眼就能分辨出这是Dexibell的旗舰型号。 当电源通上,声音奏响后的片刻,真的敢夸下海口,秒杀同价位所有产品,包括NORD,Studiologic和日系的Yamaha,Kawai! 往往夸下海口都容易成为众人“怒喷”对象,特别是Nord fans众多,Yamaha死忠更是铺天盖地,所以我觉得我需要改一下措辞:我个人 …
Dexibell - Vivo SX7 - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
意大利制造商Dexibell最近推出了“Vivo SX7”,这是一款小型,紧凑的声音模块,专注于钢琴音色表现力。 硬件音源能不能再度热潮卷席? 这个要留给时间去判断。 在Dexibell Vivo中,SX7拥有和Vivo S9和S7一样的钢琴的引擎和技术,T2L“翻译成真实生活重现”,称为音色再生的独特之处在于采样和建模技术的巧妙结合。 官方的目标是实现各种声学和机械钢琴以及其他音色细节的逼真体验再现。 除了录制时间长达15秒的样本之外,具有320个振荡器的Vivo SX7具有非常高的复音。 …
Dexibell Vivo SX7 Demo with Ralf Schink - YouTube
Ralf Schink presents the Dexibell Vivo SX7 Digital Piano Module at Kraft Music. Dexibell Vivo Stage digital pianos and modules come "alive" with T2L (True to Life) sound generation technology,...
Dexibell VIVO SX7 Sound Module Blue / Black - Reverb
Need to play in a non-Western scale? The SX7 allows all that and more, with easy adjustments to internal sounds (e.g tone shaping, string resonance, damper noise, &c), 2 unique effects per Part, master equaliser, 24 reverb types, distortions, rotary …
Dexibell Vivo SX7钢琴硬件音源测评:声音模块的热潮卷席
2019年7月7日 · 意大利制造商Dexibell最近推出了“Vivo SX7”,这是一款小型,紧凑的声音模块,专注于钢琴音色表现力。 此外,Vivo SX7还有一个“开/关”的开关和三个独立功能按钮,可进入菜单并保存声音。